By: Addison Hunt, Paulding FFA Reporter
Recently, seven Paulding FFA officers and Ag teacher Mrs. Staci Miller traveled to Huntington University for the 11th Annual FFA leadership Summit held in Huntington, Indiana. At this conference the FFA officers had the opportunity to learn more about “professionalism and leading from within.” They worked with other FFA members from Ohio and Indiana as well as state officers from Ohio on activities that strengthened those skills. The members had lunch and then listened to the keynote speaker of the day who was Mr. Scott Stump, CEO of National FFA. The Paulding FFA has gone to this event for the past ten years and truly enjoy it every time. The officers can’t wait to participate in this event next year. It was a wonderful day to gain more knowledge about FFA and learn vital leadership skills to take back to the Paulding FFA Chapter!