Years Ago in Paulding County

February 1985: The Paulding Chamber of Commerce’s “Millionaire Game” goes on sale at local businesses. Displaying one of the new games are Melinda Huseby from Ohio Glass Depot and Sue Crossland, manager of the Sears Catalog Store.


40 Years Ago

From the Paulding Progress of Feb. 20, 1985:

What has been termed by some as “the worst snow storm since the blizzard of ’78” had Paulding County under a snow emergency Wednesday through Friday last week. A spokesman for the Paulding County Sheriff’s Department, where the emergency was declared, said county and township roads during that time were impassible, especially north-south roads. Federal and state highways were one lane travel only.

The Paulding County Benevolent Society recently donated a fetal monitor to the Paulding County Hospital Obstetrics Department.

Mike Lee of Payne was approved as the new police chief for Oakwood at a meeting of the town council last week.

Paulding Chamber of Commerce’s “Millionaire Game” is now on sale at local businesses throughout Paulding. Proceeds from the sale of the games will be used to fund many of the chamber’s programs in the coming year.

Entries are being accepted for the 7th Annual Basketball Marathon for Paulding County Crippled Children & Adult Society on March 29-30 at the Payne Elementary School Gymnasium.

75 Years Ago

From the Paulding Progress of Feb. 23, 1950:

The Paulding County Experiment Farm was sold last Thursday at public auction to Leo Johanns, of south of Paulding. The farm contained 91.32 acres and sold for $20,550. The voters of the county failed to give support to the farm in last fall’s election and the Ohio State Agricultural Experiment Farm abandoned the Paulding County farm this year. The farm had been operated since 1913.

K.E. Baird, former manager of the Strand Theatre in Payne, is now the new manager at the Paulding movie house.

From the Oakwood News of Feb. 23, 1950:

Last week’s flood waters were reported by numerous old-timers to have been the highest since the great flood back in 1913 when most of the town was under water. The recent “high tide” had the entire south end of town shut off, with the only means of transportation by row boat. Basements in the Huff ’N’ Puff Inn and the Stephens Funeral Home were within two steps of being full.

In the Paulding County Basketball Tournament, Latty beat Payne, 65-47, while Oakwood upset Antwerp, 39-37. The next game is Grover Hill vs. Latty.

125 Years Ago

From the Paulding County Republican of Feb. 22, 1900:

A petition is being circulated in this vicinity against a bill to give Defiance County 14 sections of Auglaize Township. We trust our Mr. Brown will see to it that no such a division be made, as we think Defiance County has already received too much of Auglaize Township’s territory.

Oakwood wants a pike to begin at Melrose and to run east to Oakwood thence north to the Defiance County line. We don’t see why we shouldn’t get it.

It is reported that the Mann stone quarry, one-half mile west of Roselm, will be opened up by the coming season in full blast.

J.W. Neds, Hedges’ sawmill man, will move his mill onto a piece of timber land that he intends to clear up and make a farm out of.

From the Paulding Democrat of Feb. 22, 1900:

The question of rebuilding the Independence Dam in the Maumee River below Defiance is receiving considerable agitation. We find many Paulding County citizens along the Maumee favoring the rebuilding of it to such a height as would make the stream navigable for small steamers to Antwerp. If the Miami and Erie Canal is to be maintained, and there seems to be a preponderance of opinion on that score, the Independence Dam should be rebuilt by all means this coming summer.

The board of county commissioners has purchased six new road graders and will take charge of all improved roads and pike, notwithstanding the fact that the law placing this work in the hands of the [township] trustees is still on the statute books.

Mr. Wood, of the Defiance Box Co., measured up over 200,000 feet of logs at Mandale this week for their works at Defiance.

From the Payne Reflector of Feb. 22, 1900:

For sale or trade – the plant of the Payne Furniture factory. This is a good factory and has a fine trade in kitchen furniture and building material. As my other business interests demand my whole time, I will trade or sell this property on good terms. For further particulars see A. Worm, the proprietor, or address the Payne Furniture & Mfg. Co., Payne, Ohio.

Come to the Paulding County History Museum’s annual meeting at 3 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 23. Explore more local history by visiting the museum from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Tuesdays or by appointment. For special events and announcements, see our Facebook page at