20 Years Ago
From the Paulding County Progress of March 16, 2005:
For the first time in four years, the annual Crippled Children and Adult Society Basketball Marathon will return to its original home at Payne Elementary School. This year’s event is the 27th benefit and will feature about 86 teams.
Miss Hornyak’s third-grade class at Oakwood Elementary got to meet their pen pals, Cindy Merriman Meraz, who was serving in the Army in Afghanistan, and Clint Mead, a Marine who was stationed in Iraq. Both had attended Oakwood School.
With gasoline prices in the past two weeks reaching more than $2 per gallon, shoppers, travelers and workers may wonder what the price of gas is in other areas of the county. Costs ranged from $1.95 per gallon at Certified in Paulding up to $2.09 at stations in Antwerp, Melrose and Oakwood.
Bethany Hughes, a Wayne Trace senior, is named Player of the Year on the Paulding County Progress Girls All-County Basketball Team.

60 Years Ago
From the Paulding Progress of March 18, 1965:
Mrs. Addie Mossoney is presented with a 75-year Grange membership certificate by Roy Johnson, Master of Paulding Grange. She is the 45th in the nation to ever receive this certificate. Paulding Grange No. 332 was built on the old Mossoney farm. The Grange at that time operated a country store on the first floor of the building and held their meetings on the second floor. At the present time, four generations of the Mossoney family are members of the Paulding Grange.
One hundred and twelve students from Paulding County participated in the Sixth Annual Science Day at Paulding Carnegie Library. Receiving superior ratings for their projects were Kris Kohart, Auglaize-Brown Local School; George Dougal and Claudette Frey, Blue Creek Local; Ann Wetli, Blake Neff, Martha Young, Steve Bachellor, Payne Local; Bob Fessel, Rosalyn Wilhelm, Cathy Penn, Patty Paulus, Konnie Kay Kaufman, Ellen Leslie, Roland Manz, David Gilbert, Dennis Dangler, Mike Sholley, Ben Morrow, Paulding Exempted.
From the Antwerp Bee-Argus of March 18, 1965:
An “Industry Appreciation Dinner” honoring all industries in Paulding County will be be held April 9 at Paulding Elementary School. Gov. James A. Rhodes will be the principal speaker.
The Antwerp Local Board of Education considered utilizing the new elementary building to be constructed this summer. Grades 2 to 6 will have an estimated 30 students in each classroom, except grade 5, which will have 34 pupils in each room.
85 Years Ago
From the Paulding Democrat of March 21, 1940:
Plans for reorganizing the 39 4-H clubs are under way for 1940. Last year out of 575 projects started, the following were completed: 11 Agricultural Engineering; 1 Beef; 7 Colt; 34 Corn; 21 Dairy; 14 Nature; 20 Pig; 3 Potato; 5 Poultry; 9 Sheep; 29 Sugar Beet; 40 Vegetable Gardening; 243 Clothing; 4 Home Furnishings; 35 Nutrition; 16 Entertaining.
Farmers’ Institute 1940 Reports show a total attendance of 13,475 was secured by the eight county institutes (Fairview, Payne, Grover Hill, Oakwood, Melrose, Paulding, Cecil and Haviland). Recently selected to serve on the County Institute Board were Fred Heckler, chairman; Rev. Joseph Smith and Mrs. Laura Pepper.
From the Oakwood News of March 21, 1940:
Forty-eight candidates have filed for county offices, including 16 for two available commissioner posts.
The work of the enumerators for the Business and Manufacturing Census is progressing on schedule and will be completed March 31. Plans are being completed for selection and training of enumerators for the census of Population, Housing and Agriculture, which will begin April 2.
110 Years Ago
From The Independent News of March 18, 1915:
The Arthur Mutual Telephone Co. will install a new switchboard in a few days in a room of the Frank Mansfield house south of Arthur. He will take care of it.
From Payne Reflector of March 18, 1915:
Fire at Tipton: About seven o’clock Sunday evening, fire broke out in Peter Coil’s ware room at Tipton which for a time threatened the entire town. The bucket brigade composed of citizens of Tipton did their utmost to control the flame and finally succeeded but not until two warerooms were entirely destroyed.
Stewart-Welsh fight a draw; Payne boy breaks even with world’s champion in big Fort Wayne bout. Last night occurred the biggest event in Hal Stewart’s career when he fought Freddie Welsh, the world’s lightweight champion to draw in a fierce 10-round battle at the Majestic Theatre. Over 100 fight fans from Payne went to see the bout. Up against the best in the business, Stewart appeared perfectly at home and did not give an inch at any time.
From Paulding Democrat of March 18, 1915:
The trustees closed the Junction school and churches Monday on account of several families being afflicted with what is thought to be smallpox.
Two pieces of new state highway will soon be placed under contract – the Defiance-Delphos Road and the Continental-Paulding road.
Explore more local history by visiting the Paulding County History Museum from 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Tuesdays or by appointment. Join us for a guest speaker March 25, quilt show April 5-15, tea on April 5 and youth woodworking showcase on May 10.