On February 20, a resident reported observing a vehicle blocking the sidewalk on Canal Street. Officers checked the area and have continued to monitor it, but they have yet to find a vehicle blocking the sidewalk.

On February 20, while on patrol, an officer noticed that the crossing gates were down at the railroad tracks on Kroos Dr. The officer contacted the railroad company to address the issue.

On February 22, a resident of Frank Leinard’s reported a prowler outside her mobile home. An officer responded, spoke to the complainant, and checked the area.

On February 25, a resident of Stone Street called the police department to report that her husband had locked her out of the house. The officer responded, walked to the front door, and found that it did not appear to be locked. The resident was able to enter her home.

On February 25, the police department received a call regarding a potential fraud/scam. The officer spoke with the victim, investigated the incident, and prepared a report.

On February 25, a resident contacted the police regarding a Facebook post made about him. The officer prepared a report.

On February 26, a minor motor vehicle accident was reported on Archer Drive. The officer responded and documented the incident.

On February 26, a resident of Woodland Drive reported someone going door to door regarding a roofing company. The officer went to the location and attempted to locate the individuals but was unable to find them.

On February 26, the police department received a call from a local business regarding a neighbor’s complaint that trucks were making deliveries at 7:00 p.m. A report was prepared.

On February 27, the police department received a call regarding a possible sexual assault. The case was investigated, and a report was prepared.

On February 27, a possible drug overdose was reported at a residence in the village. The officer responded alongside EMS and assisted at the scene.

On February 27, a 911 hang-up call was received from a residence on Stone Street. The officer checked two different residences where the call appeared to originate, but everything was found to be in order, and no one admitted to making the call.

On February 27, a resident of the village contacted the police regarding a friend who had stayed the night and was now refusing to leave. The resident requested officer assistance in removing the friend.

On March 1, the police department received a call about a domestic dispute at the North Garden Apartments. An officer responded, conducted an investigation, and made an arrest. The report was forwarded to the prosecutor’s office.

On March 1, a report was forwarded to Job and Family Services regarding a domestic dispute that had occurred in the village.

On March 2, the police department received a call concerning a child custody issue. A report was prepared, and the individual was advised to contact their lawyer.

On March 3, a domestic dispute was reported at a residence on Stone Street. An officer responded to the location and determined that no physical altercation had occurred. A report was prepared and sent to the prosecutor.

If you would like to report any suspicious activity or if you have any questions, please contact the Antwerp Police Department, 419-258-2627. They are always ready to serve the residents of the Village of Antwerp!