Penny for your Thoughts by: Nancy Whitaker

Sometimes we run into something we read and it makes us feel better about what we all are dealing with or eventually will.  I always say, “My body feels old and crackly, but my mind feels like I am 21 again.

I worry about things like falling in the shower or on  ice, getting the flu, household chores, and my kids. My walk has slowed down and that old guy named Arthritis is starting to move in.

A friend of mine posted a reading that pointed out dealing with the age old topic, old age. To the young readers , “Someday you will grow old and for the older readers, “This might be interesting.”

The following may be all of our unspoken stories: 

“The other day, a young person asked me: – “What did it feel like to be old?”

I was very surprised by the question, since I did not consider myself old. When he saw my reaction, he was immediately embarrassed, but I explained that it was an interesting question. And after reflection, I concluded that getting old is a gift. 

Sometimes I am surprised at the person who lives in my mirror. But I don’t worry about those things for long. I wouldn’t trade everything I have for a few less gray hairs and a flat stomach. I don’t scold myself for not making the bed, or for eating a few extra “little things.” I am within my rights to be a little messy, to be extravagant, and to spend hours staring at my flowers.

I have seen some dear friends leave this world, before they had enjoyed the freedom that comes with growing old.

Who cares if I choose to read or play on the computer until 4 in the morning and then sleep until who knows what time?

I will dance with me to the rhythm of the 50’s and 60’s. And if later I want to cry for some lost love… I will!

I’ll walk down the beach in a swimsuit that stretches over my plump body and dive into the waves letting myself go, despite the pitying looks of the bikini-wearers. They’ll get old too, if they’re lucky…

It is true that through the years my heart has ached for the loss of a loved one, for the pain of a child, or for seeing a pet die. But it is suffering that gives us strength and makes us grow. An unbroken heart is sterile and will never know the happiness of being imperfect.

I am proud to have lived long enough for my hair to turn gray and to retain the smile of my youth, before the deep furrows appeared on my face.

Now, to answer the question honestly, I can say: -I like being old, because old age makes me wiser, freer!

I know I’m not going to live forever, but while I’m here, I’m going to live by my own laws, those of my heart.

I’m not going to regret what wasn’t, nor worry about what will be.

The time that remains, I will simply love life as I did until today, the rest I leave to God.

Isn’t this so true? Well guess what “I might go buy me a bikini today, eat donuts, and dance to the 50-60s music. I might even try to twerk.

Hey everyone! Live life, eat a donut, get a bikini and guys you get some swimming trunks and enjoy life, music, eating and you don’t have to make your bed every day. If you can or do any of these and enjoy “getting old” Let me know and I’ll give you a Penny for Your Thoughts.