The Antwerp School Board met on October 24 as the meeting had moved from its regularly scheduled date. Bob Herber is the state liaison for the school and he said that AEDs are now required by law. Vantage October 3. State Report Card – 5 star school is the highest rating and happy about that.…
•The Kiwanis Club of Paulding County was privileged to have Jeanne Calvert, Local Book Author(Paulding County Murders, Paulding, Ohio)as the guest speaker at the October 24, 2024, club meeting. Jeanne came at the invitation of Joseph Burkard (Paulding County Prosecutor). Jeanne spoke to the Kiwanians about the history of Paulding County Ohio murders. Can you really get away with…
Fort Defiance VFW donates to Clothes for Kids
•Clothes For Kids – Defiance Area Foundation received a generous $2,000 donation from the Fort Defiance VFW 3360 Auxiliary. Congratulations Clothes for Kids! This money will be used to purchase more clothing and shoes for students in our county who are in need this winter. Pictured with the grant are (L to R) Summer Taylor –…
Paulding County Trails Project Continues to Raise Funds
•By: Erica Noggle Paulding, OH – The Paulding County Trails Project recently partnered with Beer Barrel Pizza & Grill in Van Wert, OH, for a successful fundraising event, raising $423.55 to support the development of local trails. As part of the “Dine & Donate” program, 20% of sales from participating diners were donated directly to…
Cooper farms donate to PC opportunity center
•Paulding County Opportunity Center would like to express our gratitude to Cooper Farms for the donation of a washer & dryer for our school. (Pictured is Nicole Harris from PCOC and Kacy Wagner from Cooper Farms) The Paulding County Opportunity Center is an alternative learning center that serves students from Wayne Trace Local Schools, Paulding…
PJHS students volunteer at Caring & sharing food pantry
•Premier Bank recently donated a check to the Defiance County Homegrown Council for $14,000. The funds will be used to sponsor the 2024 HOMEGROWN Program. “The HOMEGROWN program nurtures local businesses here in Defiance County and gives them the tools they need to grow. The program is centered around providing market research and high-level tech…
Final Two American Flags Set to Be Installed on Veteran’s Day
•The Four Flags of Freedom initiated by Defiance County Economic Development has successfully achieved its donation target of $200,000, to place four Mega American Flags along U.S. 24. The flags measure 30 x 60. Currently, two out of the four flags are waving proudly. The first flag was raised at Keller Warehouse on Flag Day,…
Military History in Paulding County
•Correction In last week’s “Military History” column, Orville’s photo was ran with his brother’s article as Oliver. This week’s article sets the record straight. We apologize for this oversight. —WBN editors By: Mark Holtsberry Orville Donovan Overmyer was born November 27, 1893. The son of John Arthur Overmyer, born March 22, 1868 in Brownsville, Licking…
From one Foodie to another
•Penny for your thoughts by: Nancy Whitaker Our world has always centered around food. Anyone who ever went hungry knows what I mean. When you feel a growling empty feeling in your tummy, you know you better get some chow. I am a big foodie and always have been. Living with my grandparents until age 15,…
Scriptures of Encouragement
•Deuteronomy 9:3 (KJV) Understand therefore this day, that the LORD thy God is he which goeth over before thee; as a consuming fire he shall destroy them, and he shall bring them down before thy face: so shalt thou drive them out, and destroy them quickly, as the LORD hath said unto thee. Deuteronomy 7:21…
Paulding Students Grow in Word & Deed: PJHS 7 Mindsets & PHS Personal Growth
•Paulding Junior High School is utilizing the 7-Mindsets curriculum to address the social and emotional needs of students. Each unit revolves around a specific theme students can apply to their lives. This unit’s theme was Everything Is Possible. Shown in the picture are Paulding Junior High School’s Everything Is Possible Mindset Motivators. The PHS Personal Growth students met with their Paulding…
Paulding FFA in the News: Trapshoot & Feeding Farmers
•By: Addy Hunt, Reporter-Paulding FFA On Wednesday, October 9th, the Paulding FFA Chapter had 25 members travel around Paulding County to feed the farmers in the fields. The chapter first started doing this service project four years ago and it’s one of our favorite projects to do each year. The chapter found that it…