News Submissions

2024 Hoops For Heart Exceeds $100,000 Goal!

Wednesday, March 13 the Antwerp School hosted their 27th annual Hoops for Heart in honor of for the American Heart Association in memory of Jason Reeb who passed away unexpectedly in 1995 during a basketball game. His parents are Jon and Jan Reeb (mayor of Antwerp), and in 1996 they started this fundraiser to raise…

Judge Suzanne Rister Speaks at Zoning Inspectors Meeting

The Honorable Suzanne Rister was the scheduled speaker for the Zoning Inspectors meeting that took place on Thursday March 14 at the OSU Extension building with village and township officials from all over Paulding County. The meeting began with PCED director, Tim Copsey opening with the pledge of allegiance and giving a brief synopsis of…

Charles A. McCalla

FORMERLY ANTWERP, OH: Charles A. McCalla, of Richardson Texas passed away, after a brief stay, at Methodist Hospital on March 1, 2024. Charles was born on March 10, 1954 in Antwerp Ohio and was a son of the late Eugene and Catharine (Heck) McCalla. Charles was preceded in death by his sister Delores and his…

Military History in Paulding County

By: Mark Holtsberry Hubert M. Koenn Jr. was born in Cecil, Ohio May 16, 1890. The son of Hubert Sr., born July of 1855 in Hamburg, Germany and Veronica (Haep) Koenn born in Hamburg, Germany. This couple was married in Germany in 1880. They immigrated to America in 1884.  By 1890, the Koenn family consisted…


Penny For Your Thoughts By: Nancy Whitaker  Well, we know that every 4 years we have what is known as a Leap Year and 2024 is the year. The last leap year was in 2020.  If you happened to be born on Feb 29, from what i have read you are called  Leaplings. This is because a birthday…


Giving your only son. My granddaughter gave me a book of stories, written by a guy in Alabama, and I find it quite intriguing. He talks about his folks getting a divorce when he was age 9, and he would live with his father one weekend, and his mother the other weekend. He said this…

Zach Barton Advances to State Competition

Paulding eighth grader Zach Barton recently advanced to the Ohio State Council Knights of Columbus State Free Throw Championship after qualifying from a competition at the Ottoville Parish Center. Barton, who advanced earlier in competitions at Paulding High School and at Delphos St. John’s, hit 19 of 25 free throws to qualify and will now…

Franklin B. Walter Scholarship Program Results

The Western Buckeye ESC hosted the Franklin B. Walter Scholarship Program on March 6th at the Vantage Career Center.  The individual district winners are as follows: PAULDING COUNTY: Aewyn McMichael, Antwerp  Malia Manz (county winner), Paulding Emma Laukhuf, Wayne Trace VAN WERT COUNTY: Cadence Cook (county winner), Crestview Amy Chavez, Lincolnview John Kramer, Van Wert…

PPEC Budgets $4 Million in Reliability Investments for 2024, Rate Adjustment in May

For 2024, Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative is planning $4 million in investments focused on system improvements that will directly increase the co-op’s service reliability. This year begins a new four-year construction work plan addressing system growth, proactive maintenance, and SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) improvements to reduce outage duration. To continue investing for the…


Hicksville Superintendent, Mr. Keith Countryman was honored with the Buckeye Association of School Administrators (BASA) Exemplary Leadership Award. This award recognizes the efforts for outstanding contributions to educational leadership within an educational district. The award was announced last fall at the BASA Conference but was recently celebrated again during Hicksville Schools’ local board meeting with…

PJHS Positive Panthers: Kindness

Each month Paulding Junior High School teachers select one Positive Panther per grade level. These students are recognized for the positive character traits they exhibit as students of Paulding Junior High School. February trait was KINDNESS. Shown above (l-r) are Kristen Rader (Grade 7), Wesley Grindstaff (Grade 8), and Larissa Bautista-Enriquez (Grade 6).