
Little Raiders Earn 5 Star Rating

The Wayne Trace Little Raiders Preschools were awarded a 5 Star Rating for Step Up to Quality. This rating is awarded by the Ohio Department of Education and the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services. The Little Raiders Preschool Program was recognized for promoting learning and development programs that meet stringent child development standards…

Milan Center Feed and Grain to Host 13th Annual Pony Parade

On Saturday, September 16, 2017 at 1:00 p.m, Milan Center Feed and Grain will host their 13th Annual Pony Parade.  Area children decorate and show off their ponies, carts and wagons. Last year over 60 drivers and 300 riders ranging from ages 4 to 14 participated in this fun annual event for the community. To…

Molitor-Newman Announce Wedding

Sara Beth Molitor, daughter of Harry Jr and Robin Molitor of Paulding and Heath William Newman, son of Linda Newman of Fort Wayne Indiana will be united in marriage on Saturday October 21st 2017 at Huntertown United Methodist Church by Pastor Gabrielle Ginder. Sara is a 2001 Graduate of Wayne Trace High School. She is…

Somethings You Don’t Forget

By: Stan Jordan It is about the middle of July, 1945, and B Company is billeting a little mountain town called Berneck, Germany. The war has been over for a couple of months and we don’t stand very many formations. We a do a lot of exercise and work on the tanks and then play…

Congressional Advisory: How To Help Disaster Survivors In Texas

The compassion and generosity of the American people is never more evident than during and after a disaster. It is individuals, non-profits, faith- and community-based organizations, private sector partners, and governmental agencies working together that will most effectively and efficiently help survivors cope with the impacts of Tropical Storm Harvey. Please follow a few important…

Williamson Hits 1,000th Kill, Defeating Montpelier

On Monday, August 28 Antwerp travelled to Montpelier to take the victory of 25-16, 25-18, 25-6 Rachel Williamson, a 4 year volleyball veteran, recorded her 1,000th kill in the match for the Lady Archers, who improve to 4-1. Antwerp Leaders: Chloe Franklin (27 assists, 11 digs) Alyssa Fuller (3 assists, 4 digs, 5 kills); Madison…

Paulding Wins in a Tough Night Against the Raiders

Wayne Trace and Paulding competed as local rivals in volleyball on Tuesday, August 29 at the Palace. Paulding won 3 while Wayne Trace won one. The Panthers won the first set with excellent serving while the Raiders reversed the numbers for the second set, the game now looking competitive at 1-1. Paulding though made sure…

NSCC Foundation Gives 59,396 to Support Students and Training

The Northwest State Community College Board of Trustees met in regular session today. Peter Beck, chair of the NSCC Foundation, presented a check for $559,396 to the College from the Northwest State Community College Foundation. The money is designated for scholarships, equipment, STEM outreach programs and support for students. Nearly $3 million has been provided…

2017 Paulding SWCD Poster Contest Winners

The Paulding Soil & Water Conservation District holds a poster contest every year for Paulding County students in Kindergarten through 12th grade with a national theme that highlights the conservation message. The 2017 theme was “Healthy Soils are Full of Life!” which challenged students to highlight the activity that takes place in our soils that…

Anti-bullying Training for Antwerp & Hicksville Schools

Jim Bisenius will be visiting Antwerp Local School and Hicksville Exempted Village Schools on Wednesday, September 13, 2017, to offer anti-bullying training for both students and parents. Students in grades 6 through 12 will attend the assembly at Hicksville High School in the morning, and students in grades 3 through 5 will attend the assembly…

Soarin’ Hawk Raptor Rehab Visits Antwerp

During the second week of school, Soarin’ Hawk Raptor Rehab visited the fourth graders in Mrs. Linda Mabis’s science class. Students learned about owls and other raptors. Soarin’ Hawk is a not-for-profit service service established in 1996 to serve Northeast Indiana’s injured or orphaned birds of prey. Their mission is to conserve the raptor population…

Busy Weekend for ACC Members

The Antwerp Conservation Club had a busy weekend.  The club held three events over the weekend. A Curly Fry booth, 22 pistol shoot and a Hunter Education Class. The club ran a booth at the New Haven Maumee Valley Antique Steam and Gas Show August 19th and 20th selling curly fries and raffle tickets for…

New Fibar for Playground

The Grover Hill Elementary PTO fundraiser began Friday, September 1 and ends on Friday, September 15.  All money raised from the PTO fundraiser goes toward paying for assemblies, field trips and reward days.  Staff and students at GHE appreciates the PTO for their assistance in purchasing some much needed fibar for the playground.  This additional…