Fine Feathered Friends on Blue Day at Ann’s Bright Beginnings
•Payne Elementary September Students of the Month
•Antwerp Elementary Visits Keuhnert Dairy Farm
•PPEC Hurricane Drive
•“Basketball” Jones Visits Payne Elementary
•Paulding Senior Soccer Players Recognized
•ACC Pistol Bay Has a New Look
•This past week has seen a significant change in the Antwerp Conservation Club’s Pistol Bay. Safety at the club has always been a priority. To improve the safety at the club’s pistol bay, a new dirt mound wall was installed along the south side of the original bay and the existing north wall was extended…
Spirit Week at Grover Hill
•Fourth Graders Design Their Own T-Shirt
•Antwerp Fourth Graders Learn About Safety at Paulding County Fairgrounds
•Fourth graders at Antwerp Elementary School recently went to the Paulding County Fairgrounds and visited various learning stations: Chemical Safety, Electrical Safety, ATV Safety, Animal Handling & Bio-security Safety, Mower Safety, Farm Equipment Safety, Grain Safety, and Samaritan from Parkview Hospital.
West Seeks Re-Election
•Charles Keith West first ran for the Village of Antwerp Council seat in 2013, and after he was selected by the voters to serve, he started in January of 2014. Since then, West has been on the council through meetings of various ideas put forth by different council members who learned to work together to…
Judge Beckman Speaks at Rotary
•Thursday, September 28 Judge Tiffany Beckman spoke to Rotary members at the Antwerp Essen House restaurant. Her topic was about drugs and how she is working on a program to help people break out of the failure cycle that they get stuck in with the problem of drug additions. Shown here Rotary president Jennifer Ramsier,…