“Serving overseas as a small-town boy from America is intense, stressful and humorous! Enjoy a light-hearted story with me from our last 20 years overseas!” —Matt Silent shabbiness It is not uncommon in any place in the world to be annoyed at times by how a property next door is being kept up. The neighbor’s…
Category: Columns
Local writers and stories
Don’t Let These 5 Misconceptions Keep You From Making a Will
•The Left Turn
•Military History in Paulding County
•By: Mark Holtsberry George Henry Hetz was born in Defiance, Ohio June 16, 1886. The son of Wentzel born March 21, 1851 in Germany and Barbara (Pushl) Hetz born 1845 in Germany. The Hetz family were living in Highland Township in Defiance County in 1890. This family was engaged in farming. George was too little…
About As Wild As I’m Gonna get
•Penny For Your Thoughts By: Nancy Whitaker Have I missed something? Have I grown older without noticing that how I was raised and the things I was allowed to do as a kid has undergone some major changes? I have read and written stories about the late 1800s and in those days, students could take their…
•“Serving overseas as a small-town boy from America is intense, stressful and humorous! Enjoy a light-hearted story with me from our last 20 years overseas!” —Matt Collateral curtain costs How long do a good set of cloth curtains last? Our primary home curtains overseas are going on 20 years of age, surely faded a bit,…
The Left Turn
•By Ron Burt Big Weekend For Late Model Ace One of Ohio’s top Late Model drivers, Rusty Schlenk, had a Friday night feature win at Michigan’s Mt. Pleasant Speedway. He won the the Katie Hutson Late Model Show/ Bob Wilson Memorial! Rusty also won this event in 2022. He might make it look easy sometimes…
The Horseshoe and Woody Hayes
•Military History in Paulding County
•By: Mark Holtsberry Clyde Ervin Franklin was born May 29, 1897 in Payne, Ohio. The son of Samuel H. born February 27, 1859 in Ft. Recovery, Ohio and Mary Elizabeth (Faller) Franklin, born December 19, 1861 in Ohio. This couple was married February 8, 1880 in Mercer County, Ohio. The Franklin family was living in…
•Life Insurance is a Recession-Proof Way To Support a Charity
•As Americans, we can take pride in the fact that we are a nation of givers. And as the economy improves, charitable giving is on the rise. In fact, according to the National Philanthropic Trust in 2020 total charitable giving from U.S. individuals, corporations, foundations, and bequests exceeded $471 billion with 69% coming from individuals.(1) …
•“Serving overseas as a small-town boy from America is intense, stressful and humorous! Enjoy a light-hearted story with me from our last 20 years overseas!” —Matt Walk slowly towards an old untold story When was the last time you walked through an old barn or building? I always enjoy walking through an old barn, imagining…
The Left Turn
•Seavey Unbeatable At Eldora USAC race fans witnessed history being made at the Big E during the USAC portion of the 4-Crown Nationals. This year Logan Seavey already won the Chili Bowl, took home a USAC Indiana Midget Week title and even posted two USAC National feature wins in one day At Eldora. Logan Seavey…