Category: Columns

Local writers and stories


Penny For Your Thoughts By: Nancy Whitaker It is sometimes that when we get older, we sit back and wonder, “Where have I been? What have I done and Where am I going?” Our stories usually begins at birth and some people say they can remember as far back to the age of 2. As…

High School Dropouts

Willie and Orvie were brothers, as close as any brothers could be. But they did have one stigma, they were high school dropouts. Orvie quit just days before graduation. He just got tired of school and walked out. Willie was an exceptional student, enrolled to go to college in Yale Divinity School but he had…


By: Mark Holtsberry Guy Fleming Heazlet was born November 30, 1890 in Omaha, Nebraska. Son of Perry, born March of 1851 in Ohio and Mary Eliza (White) Heazlet, born 1856 in Ohio. This couple was married October 25, 1881 in Cuyahoga County, Ohio. The Heazlet family moved to Paulding County in 1892.  By 1900, the…

The Left Turn

By: Ron Burt People from all walks of life watch racing and participate in the sport. It seems natural that a mechanical engineer would take interest in racing and car designs, and, think of ways to make a car go faster but when you have two brothers, both in the same field of work, you…

Military History in Paulding County

By: Mark Holtsberry Silas Frederick Harper was born September 28, 1869 in Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio. The son of John, born August 1818 in Belmont County, Ohio and Catherine(Priest) Harper born 1834 in Ohio. They were married in 1864. This was John’s second wife. John’s first wife, Sinia (Wells) Harper passed away June 14, 1861. …

The Left Turn

By: Ron Burt This week I want to introduce you to another Oakshade Raceway weekly competitor. Chris Rutan races in the very competitive Compact FWD (front wheel drive) Class. Chris got hooked on racing at a young age and this class of racecar caught his attention. This will be his second year of racing. Compacts,…

Dogs, Cats and Alligators

Penny For Your Thoughts By: Nancy Whitaker Even though I have no pets now, I have had my share of dogs, cats, fish, gerbils, mice and even sea monkeys. I remember those sea monkeys looked like a lot more fun on the package than they actually were. Our sea monkeys looked like specs of dust…

Military History in Paulding County

By: Mark Holtsberry William Samuel Barnard was the son of Cyrus, born 1853 in Ohio and Catherine” Kitty” (McKevitt) Barnard, born 1851 in Ohio. This couple was married August 10, 1872 in Paulding. In this union, four sons were born. Alma Darious November 3, 1872, Edward Frank born January 19, 1874, George Earnest August 20,…


Penny For Your Thoughts By: Nancy Whitaker One thing we don’t ever want to take for granted is our mobility. One such body part is our feet. Our feet enable us to run, walk, jump and dance can slow us way down if they hurt. Now, a lot of people aren’t really ones that look…

Dr. Morell & Adolf Hitler

Dr. Morell was a prominent doctor in Germany, in the 1930s and 40s. He was a doctor to Berlin’s elite. I would like to explain his modis apperandi. Remember in those days doctors made house calls on occasion, as did my doctor, when I was a lad. Dr. Morell is invited to the residence of…

The Left Turn

By: Ron Burt While we wait on local tracks to open, let me introduce you to maybe the fastest girl in N.W. Ohio. Ottoville’s Abby Hohlbein is getting ready to start her 8th year of racing. Currently Abby sits behind the wheel of a D2 Midget, powered by a Honda motor on a Hawk Chassis.…

Military History in Paulding County

By: Mark Holtsberry Carl Pursel was born November 11, 1875 in Paulding. The son of Valentine V. Born May 1, 1838 in Virginia and Amanda Malvina (Shafer) Pursel born February 2, 1844 in Indiana. This couple was married July 20, 1867 in Paulding by Minister Thomas Elcock.  By 1870, while living in Paulding, this Paulding…

The Left Turn

By: Ron Burt This week we are going to meet Oakshade Raceway Dominator Super Stock Driver, Derrick Roseman. Like his father, grandfather and uncles racing is in Derricks blood. Oakshade Raceway has always been the family’s home racetrack. Derrick is in his 4th year of racing. He started out in the compact class, also known…