Category: Columns

Local writers and stories

Military History in Paulding County 

By: Mark Holtsberry Arthur E. Carney was a Paulding County boy who served in World War 1 was born July 23, 1896 in Crane Township.  The son of Francis Marion and Elsie Mytle (Breece) Carney. Francis was born in March of 1854 in Indiana. Elsie was born in Ohio, March of 1880. Francis and Elsie…

Things you should know

Penny For Your Thoughts By: Nancy Whitaker Isn’t it nice to just know some trivia about everything? With a curious mind and a big imagination, I love to know things that some people might call “Useless Facts.” I went on a search on the internet and found some useless knowledge that may be interesting to…


Penny For Your Thoughts By: Nancy Whitaker Believe it or not, some of us remember the old outhouses or as some say “privy.” Yes, I remember going to one and when we had to brave the cold weather to “Go.” Sometimes bees or wasps would make a nest in ours and you had to be…


By: Mark Holtsberry Accident kills young Antwerp man. Daniel Boylan was born June 8, 1893 in Antwerp, Ohio. The son of William Nelson and Julia Ann (Rumbaugh) Boylan. William was born in Paulding County, August 25, 1861. Julia was born in Ohio March of 1859.  The couple married, August 25, 1886 in Paulding, Ohio. By…


“Serving overseas as a small-town boy from America is intense, stressful and humorous! Enjoy a light-hearted story with me from our last 20 years overseas!” – Matt  When the horse is dead, dismount Do you love your pets?  My grandpa farmed and loved his shire work horses like pets.  He farmed with no cab Ford…

Military History of Paulding County

By: Mark Holtsberry  Albert Wallace Treat  Interesting feature person, who started out as a Corpsman in World War 1, ended up serving as a relief officer in Iran. Albert was born December 23, 1895 in Gays, Illinois. The son of William E., born 1854, in Michigan and Carrie E. (Wallace) Treat, born February 9, 1869…

Too Many Chiefs?

Penny For Your Thoughts By: Nancy Whitaker As I think of my grandma and grandpa, I just wonder what they would think of the world today. The streets where they lived and walked, the houses they lived in and everyone they may have known are gone. Would they embrace cell phones, computers, Netflix and cable…


“Serving overseas as a small-town boy from America is intense, stressful and humorous! Enjoy a light-hearted story with me from our last 20 years overseas!” – Matt  TRYING NEW FOODS My world was pretty small growing up in small-town middle America, which was often a good thing!  I took my first plane ride when I was…


By: Mark Holtsberry  Bess Grace (Boyer) Garvin was one of Paulding’s World War 1 Army Nurse Corp nurses and was born May 30, 1887. The daughter of John Franklin and Sarah J. (Snyder) Boyer. John was born in 1849, Sarah was born in 1852 both were born in Ohio. The couple was married February 8,…


Penny For Your Thoughts By: Nancy Whitaker  Did you know that there are approximately 68,000,000 dogs currently owned as pets in the U.S? That’s 68 million dog names. Of course when I was growing up, we always had a dog. We lived with grandma and grandpa and grandpa always named a dog, Rover.  We had Rover #1, Rover…


“Serving overseas as a small-town boy from America is intense, stressful and humorous! Enjoy a light-hearted story with me from our last 20 years overseas!” – Matt  Shopping Confusion & Proof Reading I am not sure if others have had similar experiences, but on heading out the door to run errands, I will ask my…


By: Mark Holtsberry  Herman W. Coats was born in Grover Hill, Ohio, August 2, 1892. The son of Luther Elliot and Melissa C. (Harris) Coats. Luther was born January 3, 1861 in Indiana. Melissa was born July 31, 1864 in Indiana. Luther and Melissa were married, January 3, 1884 in Randolph, Indiana on Melissa’s birthday! …


“Serving overseas as a small-town boy from America is intense, stressful and humorous! Enjoy a light-hearted story with me from our last 20 years overseas!” – Matt  Seeing Sea Mammals Have you ever worn fishing waders?  My favorite class for my Wildlife Science degree at Purdue University was ichthyology, the study of fish.  I liked…