Category: Columns

Local writers and stories


Penny For Your Thoughts By: Nancy Whitaker What do people usually do on a date, before a dance, celebrate a birthday or just do it because it is fun?  We do this when we don’t feel like cooking or we do it because we are hungry.  We do it at graduations; church events; ball games…


By: Nancy Whitaker Faith, trust; hope, confidence, love and attitude. These are all traits we all have, to an extent or should have. Sometimes  we feel like we have lost all of them. It is easy to feel hopeless, faithless, distrustful and unlovable. I know because I have some of those days. I happened to…


Penny For Your Thoughts By: Nancy Whitaker If you lived any time during the Great Depression, you may recall the shortage and the high cost of food. Unemployment was high and it was hard to feed a family  I have heard and read about Victory Gardens and the various methods and substitutions which people used…

See Ya!

In Memoriam of Stan Jordan By: Bryce Steiner It was in 2005, just a few weeks after the West Bend News opened, that I met for the first time Stan Jordan. He had retired from the US Postal Service a couple decades earlier and now was mowing the cemetery for the village of Antwerp. He…

Activities in Paulding County

By: Bryce Steiner I was at the Paulding County Economic Development press conference on Thursday about the Union Bank and the new coffee Shop “Grounded” announcement. While I was there Dave Burtch opened up the floor for business/economic ideas in Paulding County. One young man from Youth For Christ asked one of the top things…

We Love and Miss You, Stan!

SOME JORDANESE By: Stan Jordan • He is not the sharpest knife in the drawer • He is two french fries short of a happy meal • She is wound a little too tight • News to her is in both ears and out the mouth • That ain’t worth a plated nickel • She…

Bending My Ear

Penny For Your Thoughts By: Nancy Whitaker One of my New Years resolutions is to listen to others and acquire more common sense. I am not saying I’m dumb, but sometimes I tend to follow my own thoughts and lots of times it is because I haven’t absorbed or paid attention to what I was…


Penny For Your Thoughts By: Nancy Whitaker It is always an exciting time when a new school year begins. Some like it; others hate going back. Of course 2020 brought with it the deadly Covid19 virus and classes were taught at home for a while and many events were cancelled.  Now on a normal school…

Just Some Jokes

By: Stan Jordan  Previously ran 1/25/12 She was so blonde that she thought a quarterback was a cash refund.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ She was so blonde she tripped over the cordless phone.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ She was so blonde she took a ruler to bed with her so she could see how long she slept. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  Blondie sat and…


Penny For Your Thoughts By: Nancy Whitaker Approximately the end of October and also close to my birthday, I decided I wanted anything or someone to take care of.  I have always tried to “mother “ everything and everybody. Since my kids were all grown, I had this overwhelming desire to get me a pet…

Homeschooling: Beneficial for Children

By:  Cara McIntosh, age 13 Have you ever noticed that there are disadvantages to public school? For example, the kids are only around their parents and siblings maybe 4 hours each day, and much of that time is spent watching TV or playing video games.  And some hardly pay attention to most subjects; they just…