Category: Columns

Local writers and stories


By: Stan Jordan This picture is off of a Facebook page, submitted by Walter Lang asking about the location of it.  Well, that water is running over Maddison Street at the very west end of Franklin and Archer Drive. You older people will remember that is the playground for the old elementary grades of Antwerp…


By: Stan Jordan The above old time picture was given to me by Donnie Shaffer. He found it in some his mother’s old time collection. I think it came from one of the Paulding papers. What I mean here, is look that scene over slowly and it tells you a story. I assume they are…


By: Stan Jordan This picture of the people at the depot waiting for the train was given to me by Charles Zuber, Class of 1968, who lives in Florida now. I have a number of pictures of the depot, but none that shows so many people waiting for the train. Some of the “old timers”…


By: Stan Jordan  A gentleman came in the shop the other day with the above picture post card and asked if we knew anything about it. He also thought it might be the church at South Scipio. The notation about West Union and Donat Corners really throws me off. Now years ago, I called Road…

BASKETBALL 1946-1947

By: Stan Jordan The above picture was posted online and given to me. I knew all of them, but I had to get help for one. First row left to right: Ray Billman, Harry Cottrell, Tom Schmunk, Max Billman, Bob Schilb, Jim Sidenbender, Dick Friend, Herbie Stevenson. Standing left to right: Ed Cline, Lee Overmyer,…


By: Stan Jordan Yes, it’s me, “Old Blue”.  I am an old 1981 Chevy farm truck. When I was young, I hauled produce for Mr. Crosby over in Payne, Ohio, but he needed a bigger truck so he sold me to Hahn Farms here in Antwerp…now that was many years ago. Over the years, Mr.…


By: Stan Jordan This is an enlarged postcard picture that Marty Hunt brought in. I will tell you all that I know and remember of this area. Where you are looking at now is where the fire house is on the corner of Cleveland and Daggett. That was a livery stable for many years. See…


By: Stan Jordan Let’s starts with this photo of JB Johnson Furniture Factory built in 1924 and locally called “The Chair Factory.” In about 1939 it was sold and renamed The Antwerp Parlor Furniture Co. It was doing well. During WWII, they made shipping boxes out of wood for the government at their specifications.  Then…


By: Stan Jordan Christy DeLong brought this picture into me the other day, Tony and Carly had been kayaking in the river and the water was so clear that they saw this wheel lying under the water.  Now before the first river bridge was built in 1868, the only place to cross the Maumee was…

ANTWERP HISTORY: The ‘Grove’ Acquired

By: Stan Jordan The above is a fine picture of our Riverside Veteran Memorial Park, taken by the West Bend News camera. The following here is an excerpt of a city council meeting back in April of 1883. The crowning achievement of this administration of Village affairs was reached on Jan. 5, 1886, when on…


By: Stan Jordan  From its founding, Dodge City had a reputation for corruption and was often labeled the wickedest city in America. The Dodge City Gang dominated the law enforcement and monopolized the whiskey trade, but in 1879 the anti-gang supporters won on election for Ford County defeating a popular member, Bat Masterson. They called…


By: Stan Jordan This picture was given to my by Twila Mabis Demongeot and is testimony of how neighbors helped neighbors 70 years ago. As I understand, Herb Reinhart had knee surgery and this fellow probably had all of the corn planted and they came and plowed the ground and worked it all up. This…


By: Stan Jordan Police Chief George Clemens took the boss and I up past his animal farm to the crossing of the railroad over the canal. The railroad was erected in 1855 and the canal was used from 1844 until about 1880, but the canal use was mostly logs and lumber for Antwerp factories. At…