Category: Columns

Local writers and stories


By: Stan Jordan The other day young Mr. Godeke came into the office and we sure had an enjoyable conversation. Since our first visit, he has gone to college and got his degree, and now he is talking to a school in Grand Rapids, MI and to Ohio Northern about furthering his education. He has…


By: Stan Jordan Winter means different things to different people. I guess it’s your age, your temperament, your health, your hobbies and really lots of things, and yes there are different parts of winter. For kids, they like snow. Cold weather doesn’t seem to bother kids, they like the snow, ice and sleet. First, school…


By: Stan Jordan I remember one time down in Florida it was a foggy morning and Stew and I went bass fishing. Grace and Ray were in another boat right behind us. We stayed close to shore so we could see where we were.  We went a little past the red barn and that looked…


By: Stan Jordan Shirts with a pocket A good fish story Any good story A good hot dog A good old car To sit by a window and watch the traffic To trade bumps with a little shaver A good ball game Zippers that work A nice ride in the country To sit and reminisce…


By: Stan Jordan This photo is of the Bee Argus Print Shop in its final years, but to me its history goes way back. As far back as I remember about 1930, in that building was the Frank Reeb grocery store and I think later on his son, Ray, and his boy, John, helped out…


By: Stan Jordan In this picture is not just any old eagle. Let me tell you about him, and I am pretty sure I am right. About 10 or 11 years ago we saw that first eagle nest just east of the park across the river. They continued to thrive and raised a pair of…


By: Stan Jordan This photo was given to me by Kenny Reinhart and I figure it was taken on Antwerp Days or a Fireman’s Day, because of the parade, probably in the mid 1990’s. Look the picture over and you might see yourself or some of your friends. The spectators run all the way from…


By: Stan Jordan The above picture of 103 West River St. is now Small Town Bliss, that is a beauty salon owned and operated by Audrey Feasby. Let me tell you what I know about the history of this building and lot…well, this whole area. This building went along with the big store on the…


By: Stan Jordan This fine picture was taken in the Ice Cream Depot, probably in the 1990’s. Mr. & Mrs. Reinhart were the owners there from 1986 for the next twenty years. Every year the teachers and their helpers would bring the lower grade students down town to see the bank and stop in at…


By: Stan Jordan Last week I showed you a picture of the Ice Cream Depot. In the next couple of issues, I will talk more about the depot and its history to me and Antwerp.  In 1986, Kenny and Doris Reinhart bought that lot and building form a man in Toledo. It had been resided…


By: Stan Jordan The picture above is the Ice Cream Depot here in Antwerp, but that is just what it ended up as. That building and lot are as much as Antwerp’s history as any other and a lot more than some. When I started school back in 1930, that was a small but nice…

Stans Articles

TALK ABOUT HISTORY By: Stan Jordan I am very lucky to get this old picture of the railroad square here in Antwerp. It was given to me by Walter Lang and I surely appreciate it. It is the only photo that I have seen that shows that little white building right in the middle, which…

Stan’s Articles

VILLAGE HARDWARE By: Stan Jordan The above photo is just full of history. I hope I don’t forget some of it. Henry George built the brick building where the Oasis is. Frank Lamb built the next three buildings. All of those buildings were on stilts because there was a big ravine and hogs and chickens…