Category: Columns

Local writers and stories

Flooding update

A number of residences in and around the Village of Payne and surrounding area were impacted by the flooding of the Flatrock Creek due to heavy rainfall amounts over the past two days. Volunteers in the Payne and Paulding areas have filled over 2500 sandbags that were made available to residents. Additional sandbags had been…

My Trip To Philly

By: Stan Jordan I just got back from a trip to Philadelphia to see my old buddy Ben Franklin. All the talk around there is about the coming Revolutionary War. My other old buddy, Juan Valdez, was there also, you know he is the guy that rides the burrow and sells coffee. He is something…

Surprise Severe Weather in Paulding County

By: Josh Steiner On May 18th, 2017, a few scattered thunderstorms impacted Paulding County, bringing sporadic straight-line wind damage to parts of the county. The two main areas impacted were near Haviland and Cecil. In Haviland, some power poles and tree limbs were snapped from the first storm. The second storm caused more significant damage…

I Don’t Like

By: Stan Jordan I don’t like a lot of this stuff that is going on in Washington. I don’t like, or agree with, all of sword rattling, threats, promises or waving of the atomic bombs or nuclear war heads at each other. We are growling at North Korea for doing things that we have already…

When Is A Beaver Not A Beaver?

By: Stan Jordan Rex Hurni gave me these pictures of some of the gnawing done like a beaver here on the Maumee River He received them from his granddaughter Laura Miller, who lives down by Delaware Bend. She has seen this animal twice. I have received a number of these reports on damage to the…

Some More On The Eagles

HorsePower Holiday By: Stan Jordan Dan and Traci Bowers tell me that they are sponsoring another HorsePower Holiday this year at the Paulding County Fairgrounds on May 5th, 6th and 7th – the first weekend in May. This consists of tractor pulls of all types, from little ones up to the 1000 horse power and…

The Eagles’ Nest Is Down Again

By: Stan Jordan We had a bad windstorm back on Thursday, April 6th. The wind was gusting up to 60 mph and in one of these blasts, our eagles’ nest blew down for the second time. It was raining hard then and the water in the river was out of the banks. I don’t know…

Flash Floods Fill Area

On the evening of Wednesday, April 5 the heavens opened the flood gates and the rains poured down. With light flashing across the sky followed by the booms of thunder, the evening was filled with excitement. For those who have basements, the thrill was probably a little different and they probably cost a lot of…

The Oasis In Antwerp’s History

By: Stan Jordan The Oasis casts a long shadow in Antwerp’s history. I am proud to tell you about it and what I remember. The building where the Oasis is was built by Henry George back in 1870. He operated a grocery store there and later it was bought out by Shaffer Brothers who added…

The Antwerp Elevator – Mercer Landmark

By: Stan Jordan We are talking about some of Antwerp’s old businesses that are still operating. This week we are talking about what I always called the Antwerp Elevator. In 1886 Bruce Ely purchased an interest in the elevator and together with C.A. Bissell conducted the firm known as Ely & Bissell dealers and Grain…

The Maumee River And You

By: Stan Jordan While sitting here at my desk in March 2017, my mind and body is down by the park, in the river and the date is around the summer of 1934 or so. Like every other summer day, we three boys have a can full of worms or night crawlers and we are…

Bald Eagle Nesting Season In Ohio

By: Stan Jordan On Tuesday night, February 28th, this whole area had rain and a violent wind storm, some folks said a little hail also. On Wednesday morning I went down to the Maumee River to check on the eagles’ nest and it looked like it was alright. That nest was blown away back in…