Category: Columns

Local writers and stories

Band Stand in the Veteran’s Memorial Park

By: Stan Jordan The above picture of the old band stand in the park was loaned to us by Alyn Bichard. He found it in an old trunk that belonged to his grandma. We are standing on the north side looking east. This picture was an old post card posted marked 1915. The cement steps…

Antwerp Landmark Gone, But Lasting Memories Remain

Nearly three years ago I wrote a tribute to Kammeyer’s IGA, lamenting the closing of a beloved business. It was a tough time for the owners, long-time employees, former employees, and town residents. Fortunately, the store reopened shortly after under a new name and new ownership. So for a short while, Antwerp continued to enjoy…

Antwerp: The Canal and the Railroad – Stan Jordan

The Lobo Tank Busters and Cabin 21 at Valley Forge Antwerp, The Canal and The Railroad By: Stan Jordan The Wabash and Erie Canal was finished in 1843; Indiana share of the canal had already been finished. The canal traffic was slow to start with but then flourished in a few years. In the 60’s…

Living the Moment

The Nurturing Well by: Jill Starbuck While on vacation, a friend of mine captured a picture of a woman enjoying the sights. What was so unusual about this particular woman is that she was walking around with a jar of peanut butter and dipping her finger in it. The picture is a truly beautiful and…

Mirror Mirror

The Nurturing Well by: Jill Starbuck In one of my college courses, the professor asked the students to write down three things that they liked about themselves. The entire class wrote about nonphysical aspects. As such, characteristics of the students were caring, reliable, lovable, trustworthy, humble, hardworking, etc. You get the idea. None of us…

“Dating as an Adult” – Dear Miss C

Dear Miss C, First, do you get a lot of questions? Because I would think everyone would be too embarrassed to ask for help because these are small towns around here. And now, my real question. I am an adult and am dating for the first time in about 20 years. Yep, that’s me… divorced. …

New Dogs, Old Tricks

By: Kimberly Smith A new year could mean a lot of various things to different people. It is perhaps a moment in time that betokens a fresh start and new beginning. Opportunities have a tendency to arise, and desires seem to be impassioned by a contemporary focus on set resolutions or goals. Some people may…