Category: Columns

Local writers and stories

“Perfect Potato Salad” – Miss C

Unsolicited Advice from Miss C Greetings Fair Readers, What is the best life advice you have ever received? I remember sitting in my Gram’s’ trailer, I was 11 or 12 years old. I was crying over a lost friendship. My best friend had just given a letter explaining why she didn’t want to be my…

Schedule Fitness Competitions for Accountability

The Nurturing Well by: Jill Starbuck Did you know that thousands of fitness events exist around the world each year? It doesn’t matter what type of fitness routine you prefer, some sort of special event focuses on your particular fitness preference. Whether you are into Zumba, running, biking, weight lifting, CrossFit, or obstacle courses to…

Some Football History of AHS – Stan Jordan

By: Stan Jordan The above picture is of the Antwerp High School Football team in the fall of 1938. We were undefeated, untied and un-scored upon – the only team in the state of Ohio with a record like that, for that year. I remember after we were un-scored upon in the third game, Coach…

International Love – Dear Miss C

Dear Miss C, I met a girl last year when I was on vacation in Germany, she lives in Russia, 1500km from me, I am in Hungary. In Germany, it began like adventure, but when we come home, we started texting and a kind of long distance relationship. It was hard, but after a year,…

Wacky Weed – Stan Jordan

The Lobo Tank Busters By: Stan Jordan On today’s mission we had a ball in the area of Renanange, France! We came upon a convoy of old German tanks. I think they were used Rommel in North Africa, maybe called the M10. They were in a column retreating towards Belgium. These tanks only had about…

Instruct with Love – Dear Miss C

Dear Miss C, All over the news are stories about intolerance. It’s so disheartening to watch the news because every day there is a new story about new shootings, racial and sex discrimination. Seriously. I am a Christian woman, and sometimes I think that we are part of the problem! How can I teach my…

Long Distance Relationships – Dear Miss C

Dear Miss C, I have been dating my boyfriend for about 7 months, and now his work is taking him away for 6 months! We have decided that we want to continue our relationship long distance, so what are some tips to keeping our relationship exciting and strong? —Missing Him Already   Dear Missing Him…

Credit Where Credit is Due – Stan Jordan

The Lobo Tank Busters By: Stan Jordan On today’s raid, we had on extra gas tanks and we flew straight west to the French and German border to a place called Wolfhaggen. This is a big railroad yard that connects to the French National Railway. It was a very big yard and it looked like…

Lobo Tank Busters & assorted tales – Stan Jordan

The Lobo Tank Busters By: Stan Jordan We took off this morning about like any other morning on dawn patrol. We had on a full-load of rockets and ammo, but no extra gas tanks. We were on a common hunt and destroy mission, when the radio crackled and Col. Bainbridge called and said some of…