Category: Columns

Local writers and stories

AFD Showcase Firetruck at Rotary Program

Pictured are Rotarian Ray Friend and Antwerp Firefighter Gary Dunlap in front of the pumper unit #44. The unit has been in service for a year now and has several features that make the task of firefighting somewhat easier! The cab holds up to five firemen and the seats are set up in a manner…

Saturday Morning with the EMS

By: Stan Jordan Last Saturday was the big Cleveland Street Ribfest. The time that I was there was very enjoyable. Mother nature put an end to the fun way too early as it started to rain in earnest about 3:00 p.m. But actually this column is about the EMS anyway. The EMS was serving pancakes…

Weather update from Paulding County EMA

*** Moderate Risk of Severe Thunderstorms this Evening *** *** Potential for Heavy Rainfall Overnight *** Timing of Severe Weather Tonight: Starting after 8 PM for points east of I69 and starting 10 PM for points east of I69. Significant tornadoes are possible south of U.S. Rout 30. Widespread damaging winds with gusts in excess…

Heat Causes PEAK Alert – PPEC

PEAK ALERT TODAY (6-20-16) : Paulding Putnam Electric Co-op members are under a PEAK Alert for today from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.  Current weather conditions are causing a very high demand for electricity.  During this peak demand period you are urged to reduce as much electric usage as possible during the peak time. Dial up air…

The LOBO Tank Busters

By: Stan Jordan We went back to the Ruhr Valley area this morning. That is a pretty good sized area, with a lot of anti – aircraft guns on guard all the time. I went down to about 500 feet altitude and made a pass across that whole valley looking for targets of opportunity. I…

The American Robin

According to our new bird book there are two types of robins in the world. The American and the European. The American Robin is a migratory song bird and is in the Thrush family, but it is named after the European bird because of the red breast. But other than that, there is no relation.…

Beautify the Environment With Simple Gestures

One of the most unsightly insults to our environment is litter. Not only is it unsightly and harmful, but it also costs our country billions of dollars. According to Keep America Beautiful, Inc., cleaning up litter costs our nation $11.5 billion annually. This is an exceptionally high cost for something that is avoidable and easily…

Letting Go: A Hard, But Sometimes Necessary Process

The Nurturing Well: By Jill StarbuckLife is full of difficult decisions and moments. Learning to let go often tops the list. For most of us, we fight change. Even those who adapt well to change or look forward to it still have to go through a process to accept that change. We get wrapped up…

East Side of Main Street – Stan Jordan

The Lobo Tank Busters; Ag Day March 15th By: Stan Jordan This picture was given to me by Oley McMichael, the date on the postcard was  1915. The first partial building on the left hand side was a tin shop. I don’t remember just who that was, but I remember of at least three more…

Rumor Has It…

The Nurturing Well by: Jill Starbuck Rumors have been around for as long as humans have existed. If we aren’t talking about ourselves, we are often talking about other people. It’s what we do. For the most part, this is just human nature. However, it can get out of hand when too much speculation takes…

You Have What It Takes! – Miss C

A Letter by Miss C to all Struggling Junior High students Dear Miss C, I go to junior high and don’t like how it makes me feel. I am not a bad kid, but my teachers make me feel like I am and it makes me nervous and upset because I don’t want people to…