Category: Columns

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Ask Me Miss C

This week no one officially Asked ME, Miss C. Don’t  be shy! I am waiting to hear from you! Send your questions and letters to me via email:, visit my Facebook Page to leave a message, or you can send a letter to my attention to the West Bend News! This week I will…

Boston Marathon: A True Inspiration

  The Nurturing Well: By Jill Starbuck Recently, Boston hosted its 119th Boston Marathon on a chilly, windy, and rainy day. The city and runners worldwide continue to overcome the aftermath that the 2013 bombings brought to the 117th marathon. The bombings solidified humanity’s ability to overcome the worst of situations, unite, and move forward;…

Turn Disappointment Into an Advantage

Disappointment is a part of life. A part that we don’t enjoy, but we can still recover from and learn from. After all, most famous people did not become famous overnight. They had to work hard, make mistakes, and recover from big disappointment. Some of these include Michael Jordan, who was cut from his high…

Frustrated Mom! –Ask Me… Miss C!

Dear Miss C, I am a parent of a very willful teenage girl. She is 14, thinks she knows it all and is very stubborn. I have looked online for things to try with her, but mostly what I find is how to deal with stubborn toddlers. My girl is beyond that, and I am…

Emotional Abuse: A Quiet and Internal Form of Torture

The Nurturing Well by: Jill Starbuck “You are completely worthless.” “Why can’t you do anything right?” “Relax, I was only teasing.” “If you would just listen to me, then we wouldn’t fight all of the time.” “Nobody will ever love you more than I do.” “What’s your problem?” “Nice job, but I thought you’d do…

Ask Me… Miss C!

Dear Miss C, I don’t understand my family. One moment my aunt talks good about me, but behind my back, she is talking bad about me. It hurts and I don’t know what to do. —SammieGirl12 Dear SammieGirl12, Your first step should be to talk to your parents about this concern. Do they know how…

Ask Me… Miss C!

Dear Miss C, I am constantly dating the wrong person. I seem to have this issue with always choosing the guy who doesn’t treat me right. I am not saying that I have been in abusive relationships but I am definitely always choosing the guys who wants to cheat or spend more time with their…

Ask Me… Miss C!

Dear Miss C, Every time I am having a bad day and want to talk about it, someone says…”Oh you have no reason to be depressed, look at all the people who have it worse than you.” Is it me or is this just the worst advice ever? Seriously, Miss C…if this is the best…

Tough Times Intensify Persistent Friends

The Nurturing Well by: Jill Starbuck Friends are some of the most influential and important people in our lives. Some of our most memorable experiences happen with our friends. We laugh, celebrate, and have fun with them. We often share the same interests. Most of all, we enjoy spending time with them. However, our truest…

Ask Me… Miss C!

Hi Miss C, I am 13 and think I am old enough to go on a real date with this cutie from my school. But my parents say no dating until I am 16. How can I make them get into this millennium. Seriously, my friends have already been dating. – Wannabe Dating Girl Dear…

Ask Me… Miss C!

Dear Miss C: I am 12 and have a huge crush on this boy in my class. But my friend said he told her that he would never go out with me because I am a dog face. But I thought he liked me because he liked my pics on IG (Instagram). Now I feel…