Category: Columns

Local writers and stories

Instruct with Love – Dear Miss C

Dear Miss C, All over the news are stories about intolerance. It’s so disheartening to watch the news because every day there is a new story about new shootings, racial and sex discrimination. Seriously. I am a Christian woman, and sometimes I think that we are part of the problem! How can I teach my…

Long Distance Relationships – Dear Miss C

Dear Miss C, I have been dating my boyfriend for about 7 months, and now his work is taking him away for 6 months! We have decided that we want to continue our relationship long distance, so what are some tips to keeping our relationship exciting and strong? —Missing Him Already   Dear Missing Him…

Credit Where Credit is Due – Stan Jordan

The Lobo Tank Busters By: Stan Jordan On today’s raid, we had on extra gas tanks and we flew straight west to the French and German border to a place called Wolfhaggen. This is a big railroad yard that connects to the French National Railway. It was a very big yard and it looked like…

Lobo Tank Busters & assorted tales – Stan Jordan

The Lobo Tank Busters By: Stan Jordan We took off this morning about like any other morning on dawn patrol. We had on a full-load of rockets and ammo, but no extra gas tanks. We were on a common hunt and destroy mission, when the radio crackled and Col. Bainbridge called and said some of…

Ungrateful Grand Kids? – Dear Miss C

Dear Miss C Back in May and June three of my granddaughters’ graduated. One from college, one from high school and one confirmation. I gave each a card and quite a bit of money. It’s September and it’s starting to look like they are not going to send thank you notes my way. The gifts were from…

Marriage Questions – Dear Miss C

Dear Miss C, I am thinking of asking my girlfriend to marry me, but I am afraid, not because I’m not sure I love her, but because I am afraid of how we will live together in a real family sense, like having and raising children and how we will handle money together. Aren’t these…

The Maumee River Raft Race

By: Stan Jordan The Advance Chassis’ 2015 Regatta on the Maumee was a blast this year. There was plenty of water in the river and no one had to portage. Just sit with your feet in the water and drift along. Dan said there were three rafts, five kayaks, and three canoes. A total of…

Help was On the Way! – Stan Jordan

The Lobo Tank Busters, Horse-power Holiday; Tractor-Pull at Hicksville Fairgrounds, Hotels & Boarding Houses in Old AntwerpThe Lobo Tank Busters By: Stan Jordan We took off this morning on dawn patrol and we headed over towards Germany, Ruhr Valley. That is the Pittsburgh of Germany. Many factories, foundries, and defense plants. We were up about…

Public Phone Etiquette – Miss C

There were no questions in the Miss C question queue this week. So, instead of answering a reader question, I am going to give some unsolicited advice (and perhaps a bit of a soapbox stance). In the meantime, please feel free to submit your questions to Ask Me… Miss C. I have confidential email (,…

Consistency Is Key to Fitness Results

The Nurturing Well by: Jill Starbuck Have you ever tried an exercise program only to be discouraged by the results? You gave it everything you had, but you either didn’t lose weight or you didn’t build muscle or tone to the extent that you had hoped. Chances are that you may not have given it…

Bully Blues – Dear Miss C

Dear Miss C, It’s almost time to go back to school, and part of me is really excited about it. But there is this one girl who was new last year who has been trying to ruin my reputation and my friendships! But in school she acts all nice to the teachers and MY friends……

First Day of School: A Mother’s View

The Nurturing Well by: Jill Starbuck Every year on the first day of school we encounter at least a few mothers shedding some tears. Often, they are mothers of kindergartners. But it doesn’t have to be just kindergartner mothers who experience a sense of sadness or nostalgia on this day. This day is a defining…