Category: Pennies for Your Thoughts

Things you should know

Penny For Your Thoughts By: Nancy Whitaker Isn’t it nice to just know some trivia about everything? With a curious mind and a big imagination, I love to know things that some people might call “Useless Facts.” I went on a search on the internet and found some useless knowledge that may be interesting to…


Penny For Your Thoughts By: Nancy Whitaker Believe it or not, some of us remember the old outhouses or as some say “privy.” Yes, I remember going to one and when we had to brave the cold weather to “Go.” Sometimes bees or wasps would make a nest in ours and you had to be…

Too Many Chiefs?

Penny For Your Thoughts By: Nancy Whitaker As I think of my grandma and grandpa, I just wonder what they would think of the world today. The streets where they lived and walked, the houses they lived in and everyone they may have known are gone. Would they embrace cell phones, computers, Netflix and cable…


Penny For Your Thoughts By: Nancy Whitaker  Did you know that there are approximately 68,000,000 dogs currently owned as pets in the U.S? That’s 68 million dog names. Of course when I was growing up, we always had a dog. We lived with grandma and grandpa and grandpa always named a dog, Rover.  We had Rover #1, Rover…


Penny For Your Thoughts By: Nancy Whitaker  I have never claimed to be a so called Arts and Crafts person, but I do like to cook and create various recipes and try household tips to save time and money. Everyone likes to save a dollar or two, at least I do, because as Ben Franklin…


Penny For Your Thoughts By: Nancy Whitaker I do believe that spring is finally getting close. First of all, the days are getting longer and soon we will be turning those clocks ahead. Now I haven’t personally, seen any robins yet, but several people have . Some days, some of that warm sun will come out and a light…

Mirror Mirror on the Wall

Penny For Your Thoughts By: Nancy Whitaker  I am always wondering about something. Sometimes I just like to sit and contemplate things. Today I was thinking about mirrors. I have never met a mirror I didn’t have the urge to look into. They say a person is self conscious and unsure of them selves if…

Frankly My Dear, I Don’t Give A Grit

Penny For Your Thought By: Nancy Whitaker  Bring on the grits, black-eyed peas, cornbread, ham hocks and beans and fried chicken, chess pie for dessert and you’ve got a meal. Southern cooking has become more popular with the recent cooking show hosts and the idea of good home-style comfort food. I know my grandma was…

Mirror Mirror on the wall!!

Penny For Your Thoughts By: Nancy Whitaker I am always wondering about something. Sometimes I just like to sit and contemplate things. Today I was thinking about mirrors. I have never met a mirror I didn’t have the urge to look into. They say a person is self-conscious and unsure of themselves if they constantly…

Changes; Changing Changed?

Penny For Your Thoughts By: Nancy Whitaker     Sometimes, I believe  the older we get, the harder it is to accept change. If we stop and think about it, life is full of changes. We come into the world, learn to eat and walk, go to school, attend college, hopefully get a job and…

Oh My Aching Bones

Penny For Your Thoughts by: Nancy Whitaker This year I played it smart and got a pneumonia and a flu shot. (And yes I got my Covids) I thought I was all set for the cold winds of winter, but I found out about a week ago that there are other ailments which are “such…

All keyed up!

Penny For Your Thougths By: Nancy Whitaker Keys, keys keys. We have keys for everything. There are keys to get in the house, start our cars, mowers, golf carts and keys to get in the garage. I really don’t like carrying keys because I can never find them, especially in my cluttered purse. By the way, has anyone ever…


Penny For Your Thoughts By: Nancy Whitaker  When we were young kids, one thing we used to do was sit around at night and tell scary stories. The stories were usually about creepy monsters grabbing children. Of course we all made up stories trying to scare maybe a friend as well as each other to…