Category: Pennies for Your Thoughts

Apple of Our Eyes

Penny For Your Thoughts By: Nancy Whitaker When I think of apples, apple cider, apple pie and apple dumplings come to mind. Who can resist the smell and taste of a fresh baked apple dumpling or the all-American favorite, apple pie? We always think that the apple was the fruit that Eve used to trick…

Penny For Your Thoughts

Rudolph is 82 By: Nancy Whitaker After the last cookie is eaten, the last gift opened and then it is time to take down Christmas decorations for another year. We won’t be singing those  carols for another year, but the tunes and words to them will linger on just as they have for centuries.  One Christmas song that…

Penny For Your Thoughts: COUGARS or RAIDERS?

By: Nancy Whitaker  Since my residence is now in Van Wert, there is a couple of reasons why I like attending VWHS sports. First of all I was lucky enough to have two granddaughters be high school cheerleaders and the second is that this is my alma mater.   I  always get sentimental when going…


Penny For Your Thoughts By: Nancy Whitaker Of course, each New Years, we make all kinds of vows and promises known as resolutions. I usually don’t make any, but I probably should. There are a lot of areas I could improve in my life, but most of the things I need to improve upon, are…

Penny for your thoughts: NURSING IN 1887

By: Nancy Whitaker Whether you’re a new nurse or a been around for a while, it’s always intriguing to take a look back at the history of the nursing profession. I daily thank God for the dedicated people who become nurses. They had some of the hardest jobs when the pandemic hit us in 2020. As…

Drunk as Cooter Brown

Penny For Your Thoughts By: Nancy Whitaker I love the south and my grandparents were both from the southern states. Of course, my Granny, could make great sugar cookies, sweet tea, dandelion greens, fresh green beans, bake super pies and could forecast the weather using various nature signs.  I grew up with not only her cooking and…

Possible headlines for 2071

Penny For Your Thoughts By: Nancy Whitaker  It is always interesting to look back 50 years ago and see what people thought the world would be like in 2021.  Sometime in the1960s it was predicted that 50 years into the future, we would have: cities under the sea, automated kitchens that would cook, make coffee and serve meals, cars…

Penny For Your Thoughts

Decisions or Divine Intervention? By: Nancy Whitaker Every day, we literally make tens of thousands big and small decisions, consciously or unconsciously. From priorities we set at work, to stories we tell,  from which shirt to wear, to what we have for dinner. Now these are not big decisions, they are simple choices we make such…

God Bless the U.S.A.

Penny For Your Thoughts By: Nancy Whitaker Usually they say that the corn should be knee high by July 4, and that summer should be in full swing by now. This year, however, I am beginning to think we are living in a monsoon. My grill is patiently awaiting to cook some burgers, my park benches…

Something “Squirrely”

Penny For Your Thoughts By: Nancy Whitaker Hunting and eating animals were the only way the pioneers had to get fresh meat to feed their families. Our forefathers were happy if they could go out and shoot a bear, buffalo, opossum, deer, rabbit or anything that moved and cook it up for supper. I have never been…


Penny For Your Thoughts By: Nancy Whitaker It is always fun to go to an outdoor concert, sit under the stars and listen to a band. I not only enjoy the music, but am always impressed with how people from all walks of life come together in one setting.  One of my favorite things to…


Penny For Your Thoughts By: Nancy Whitaker  I remember when I was little of my grandpa taking me up to a photographers studio and having my picture taken. I sat in a little chair and posed with my legs crossed and my arms folded. I really didn’t care for the whole picture taking experience, however,…