Category: Area Fairs


Antwerp: October 29 — Costume Parade & Judging – Parade line up at Antwerp Manor on Archer Dr. at 3:15 p.m. Parade will go through town to the Fire Department for the Costume Judging. Trick or Treat to follow, 5:00-6:30 p.m. Payne: October 29 — Trick or Treat: 4:30-6:00 p.m. for younger kids. Costume judging…


The Village of Convoy Historical Society will welcome David Westrick of Maumee doing a presentation on the Battle of Fallen Timbers at The Convoy Opera House, October 16th at 1:00 p.m. He is a retired communications consultant and historical researcher. He has worked with Metroparks Toledo to preserve the Fallen Timbers Battlefield and Fort Miami…

Fairview FFA at the Defiance County Fair

By: Elizabeth Bok This year at the Defiance County Fair there were many things that the Fairview FFA Chapter not only participated in but also greatly succeeded in. The members got to compete in the Ag Olympics with the Tinora and Ayersville FFA chapters. After completing the two parts of the Ag Olympics the Fariview…

Payne Celebrates 150 years

On Saturday, September 10-11, 2022, the Village of Payne Celebrated their Sesquicentennial with a full weekend of family activities. Saturday afternoon, there was a parade through town to the Payne Community Park. Pictured above are the Grand Marshals: Don Benschneider, “Mac” Brigner, Gary Cadwallader, Keith Carter, Ron Etzler, Roger Gerber, John Hall, Jim Henriott, Robert…


Payne’s event committee are entering the final stages of Payne’s Sesquicentennial Celebration planning. The planning committee had been discussing different rumors of the 1972 Centennial time capsule that was supposed to be unveiled at the 150th celebration. Several of the local government leaders have stated it was already dug up. However, nobody could remember when…

Fairview FFA at the Ohio State Fair

By: Elizabeth Bok The Fairview FFA chapter had some members that not only attended the Ohio State Fair, but also did very well. Dalton Haver exhibited his 4th in class Hereford breeding gilt, and his 2nd in class Tamworth breeding gilt. Brett Zeedyk also did well with his hogs, placing 2nd in class in the Open…

Napoleonic Days 1804-1815 @ THE FORT

The Napoleonic age was a time of epic land battles, naval engagements, political unrest, and widespread revolution. It was an era defined by one legendary general, Napoleon Bonaparte. Now you can experience the battles that shaped the course of history. See the French and Coalition armies meet on the fields of glory outside the historic…

Next PCBW Guest: Flat Rock Creek Fall Festival!

Our next guests on the Paulding County Business Weekly radio broadcast are Flat Rock Creek Fall Festival Event Manager Guy Dasher and Board Member Jeremy Dasher.  They will tell us how the festival event came into existence and what exciting events will take place to import  thousands into Paulding County economy at the fairgrounds this…

Post Miami 1755 @ OLD FORT

The Old Fort, 1201 Spy Run Avenue, will host Post Miami 1755 on Saturday, August 27, 10:00 am – 5:00 pm and Sunday, August 28, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Witness the 1700s come alive! Did you know that there were two French forts built in the area? During the French and Indian War, the…