Category: Community

Local Youngster Continues to Climb in Pageantry

Lynnora Kutzli represented USA troops this past weekend in Port Clinton, Ohio at America’s Best Pageantry. She leveled up to Best of America Supreme Queen! It’s not all pretty dresses and sparkles, it’s the friendships we make and lessons we learn! Her beauty dress was a labor of love made by her mother in remembrance of…

Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative will provide high-speed fiber internet

PAULDING, OH — On July 18, 2024, the Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative Board of Trustees unanimously voted to provide fiber internet as a new service offered by the co-op. This decision came after conducting several feasibility studies earlier this year. The board’s goal is to provide high-speed, reliable internet to the co-op’s electric membership via…

LifeWise Antwerp Volunteers Needed: Meeting Scheduled

Do you love kids and believe that sharing the gospel is important? Then consider being a LifeWise Antwerp Classroom Volunteer. We need Classroom Volunteers that will ride with the students from the school to the classroom, help in the LifeWise classroom and then take students back to the school every week. Can’t be there every…

JPHS Museum ‘Movie Night’

The third annual “Movie Night at the Museum” will be presented at John Paulding Historical Museum at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 6. The public is invited to watch new video “Downtown Paulding: Then & Now.” Black Swamp Arbor, Gleaner Life Insurance is again sponsoring this popular event. All proceeds go to the museum. A free-will…

Victor’s Mart Ribbon Cutting in Paulding

On Friday, August 2 Victor’s Mart opened in Paulding at 327 W. Wayne St. The village officials and community leaders welcomed the new convenience store owners to the community with a ribbon cutting by the Paulding Area Chamber of Commerce. The event was heralded by the Paulding County Economic Development along with the Chamber.  The…

Ohio State University advancing animal agriculture with new Waterman Dairy

The Waterman Agricultural and Natural Resources Laboratory in Columbus will soon be home to The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) new state-of-the-art dairy facility, replacing the outdated 1972 structure demolished in March. “We’re making exciting progress,” Graham Cochran, CFAES associate dean for operations, said. “Construction will start soon with…