Category: Community

Antwerp’s Christmas Village of Lights Winners

Antwerp’s Christmas Village of Lights WinnersThe Antwerp Chamber of Commerce would like to thank everyone who participated in this year’s “Christmas Village of Lights” holiday decorating contest. A big thank you goes out to the people who accepted the difficult challenge of judging all of the beautiful houses that made Antwerp sparkle this year! Chamber…

Central Lutheran Celebrates Christmas

Students from Central Lutheran School celebrate Christmas with concerts and programs throughout the month of December. On Thursday, December 12, Central’s brand new preschool held their first Christmas Program. On Tuesday, December 17, the annual CLS Christmas Concert was held at the Park Hill Auditorium. The concert featured third-eighth grade students in 8 choirs, 3…

NWTF Helps Community with Frozen Turkeys

The Caring and Sharing Food Pantry in Paulding received a wonderful blessing on Saturday, December 21. The Flat Rock Limbhangers, Which is the Paulding County chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation, partnered again with Chief Supermarket of Paulding in the NWTF turkey care program. The NWTF applauds the response of chief supermarket in their…

Raiders win Season Opener at home

Parkway didn’t give up without a fight.It was a long Football season for the Raiders and thus the basketball season has been delayed. The Raiders got their first chance to shine on Friday, December 20 against Parkway. The first half the home team worked hard, but couldn’t take the lead. The entire team worked hard…

Jets Grounded by Warriors

Early away games got off to a rough start, but it all changed in the game tonight.On Friday, December 20th Woodlan boys hosted their first home basketball game. The first quarter clearly went to Adams Central with an 8 point lead. The Warriors kept the game under control, not letting the Jets take another quarter,…

More Meaning, Less Expense

The Nurturing Well by: Jill Starbuck ‘Tis the season for countless parties and gatherings. Holidays are typically joyous occasions where people look forward to spending time with family and friends. They give people an opportunity to slow down from busy lives and focus on what’s most important. However, the holidays can also bring stress and…

Woodlan High School NHS Shows Christmas Spirit!

Over the last week, Woodlan High School students banded together to help a needy family from the community. Starting on Decmber 9th, fourth period classes competed to see who could raise the most money as part of the National Honor Society’s annual Christmas family drive. Altogether, Woodlan students raised over $1,000! Members of the NHS…

Vantage Goes Over the Top for Toss A Toy!

With no Toys for Tots operating in Van Wert County again this year, Lee Kinstle GM teamed up with the local Salvation Army to help collect toys for area children in need. To meet this challenge, they enlisted the help of Vantage, the VW YMCA Central Mutual Insurance, Braun Industies, Alspach-Gearhart, Ag Credit, and Van…

Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Baker Celebrate 25 years of marriage

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Baker will be celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary. Elmer Baker and Cheryl Woodard Tillotson were married Dec. 17, 1988, at the Payne Church Of God by Rev. Leonard Mooney. They are the parents of four children: Bobbi Contreras, David Tillotson, Jeremy Tillotson and Ashley Simonin. They have seven grandchildren.

Wayne Trace Football Team Sendoff

The Wayne Trace Raider football team will leave the high school parking lot at 4:00 p.m. to head to Wapakoneta’s Harmon Field for the state semi-final football game against the Mechanicsburg Indians on Friday, November 29. Fans who want to wish the team good luck are invited to a send-off in the school parking lot…