This 28th day of September, 2015, the Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with the following members present: Roy Klopfenstein, Tony Zartman, Mark Holtsberry, and Nola Ginter, Clerk ALLOWANCE OF CLAIMS: Warrants documented as 219375 through 219471 for County Bills were approved and certified to the County Auditor for payment. EXECUTIVE SESSION: A…
Category: Legal
Paulding County Commissioners Meeting Minutes 9/23/15
•This 23rd day of September, 2015, the Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with the following members present: Roy Klopfenstein, Tony Zartman, Mark Holtsberry, and Nola Ginter, Clerk ALLOWANCE OF CLAIMS: Warrants documented as 219327 through 219373 for County Bills were approved and certified to the County Auditor for payment. EXECUTIVE SESSION: A…
Paulding County Commissioners Meeting Minutes 9/21/15
•This 21st day of September, 2015, the Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with the following members present: Roy Klopfenstein, Tony Zartman, Mark Holtsberry, and Nola Ginter, Clerk ALLOWANCE OF CLAIMS: Warrants documented as 219267 through 219321 for County Bills were approved and certified to the County Auditor for payment. IN THE MATTER…
Village of Antwerp Regular Council Meeting Minutes 9/21/15
•The regular meeting of the Village of Antwerp council was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Mayor Tom VanVlerah. Council persons present: Keith West, Rudy Reeb, Ken Reinhart, Larry Ryan, Steve Derck and Council President Jan Reeb. Also in attendance: Solicitor Melanie Farr, Police Chief George Clemens, Administrator Sara Keeran, Fiscal Officer Aimee Lichty…
City of Woodburn council meeting minutes 9/21/15
•September 21, 2015 Mayor Hoeppner, Councilman Rice, Renner, Gerig and Voirol, Treasurer Sarrazine, Superintendent Walls and Chief Duhamell were present. 7:00 p.m. – Pledge BUDGET HEARING: The budget hearing opened with the first reading of the 2016 budget. Councilman Voirol took exception to the budgeted amount for the Deputy Clerk which would have taken her…
Paulding County Commissioners Meeting Minutes 9/16/15
•This 16th day of September, 2015, the Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with the following members present: Roy Klopfenstein, Tony Zartman, Mark Holtsberry, and Nola Ginter, Clerk ALLOWANCE OF CLAIMS: Warrants documented as 219143 through 219207 for County Bills were approved and certified to the County Auditor for payment. EXECUTIVE SESSION: A…
Wayne Trace Local School Board Meeting Minutes 9/16/15
•The Wayne Trace Local School District Board of Education met in regular session on September 16, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. in the Wayne Trace Local High School Lecture Room. The following members were present: Mr. Pat Baumle, Mrs. Lisa McClure, Mr. Duane Sinn, Mr. Perry Sinn, Mr. Dick Swary The Pledge of Allegiance was led…
Former Paulding County Director of Probation Services Indicted
•Columbus – An Auditor of State partnership with Paulding County law enforcement led to the indictment of former Director of Probation Services Emily Munger. She was indicted on one charge of theft in office and one charge of tampering with records. “A probation officer is in a position of authority and should set the bar high for those attempting…
Husted Subpoenas ResponsibleOhio Leadership, Presses Forward with Fraud Investigation
•Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted today issued another round of subpoenas to leaders of ResponsibleOhio, the group pursuing passage of State Issue 3 on the November ballot. The following may be attributed to Secretary Husted. “There is reason to believe elections fraud was committed by proponents of State Issue 3 in the process of…
Marijuana Companies “Monopoly” – Secretary Husted
•Secretary Husted: Issue 3 Language a Fair & Practical Description of a Lengthy and Complex Proposed Marijuana AmendmentCOLUMBUS – Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted today filed a merit brief with the Ohio Supreme Court in the lawsuit filed by ResponsibleOhio concerning the ballot title and language for State Issue 3. A copy of the brief filed…
•September 8, 2015: Mayor Hoeppner, Councilman Renner, Gerig and Voirol, Treasurer Sarrazine, Superintendent Walls and Chief Duhamell were present. 7:00 pm – Pledge Police Department: Woodburn Police Reserves logged 97 hours in August. The 3rd annual Front Street Drags was a success with an estimated $1,700 being raised for the reserve dept. WPD responded to…
Paulding County Commissioners Meeting Minutes 9/2/15
•This 2nd day of September, 2015, the Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with the following members present: Roy Klopfenstein, Tony Zartman, Mark Holtsberry, and Nola Ginter, Clerk ALLOWANCE OF CLAIMS: Warrants documented as 218848 through 218909 for County Bills were approved and certified to the County Auditor for payment. EXECUTIVE SESSION: A…
Payne Death Investigation Brings Charges
•Payne, Ohio—As a result of the death investigation of Cary Parsons, age 50. of 202 East Townline Street, which occurred on August 15, 2015, one related arrest has been made. On August 16, 2015, Andrew J. Martin, age 26, of Payne, Ohio, was arrested on preliminarily charges of Illegal Manufacturing of Drugs, a 3rd degree…