Category: Health

Overcoming Isolation And Loneliness

If you’ve ever felt lonely, you’re not alone. Researchers at the University of Chicago found that nearly half of older adults in America experience some degree of loneliness. The University of Chicago study is part of Connect2Affect, a collaborative effort spearheaded by AARP Foundation to learn more about isolation and loneliness in older adults and…

Miller Takes Over at Antwerp RX

The Antwerp Pharmacy has been a fixture for many years in this small community. After many years of service, not only in the Pharmacy, but in organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce, Mike and Belinda Renno have sold the business and said, “good bye” to Antwerp as they have retired. Mandy Miller has taken…

Food Be Thy Medicine: Seasonal Depression Food Remedies

By: Angel Steiner There is much excitement and anticipation in the months of October, November and December with Halloween and Harvest parties, Thanksgiving celebrations, family coming home or going on a trip, Christmas shopping, and the many dinner plans. The culmination of the festivities end with a New Years hullabaloo… or several. After all this…

Fear The Flu, Not Ebola

By: Dr. Fred Pescatore (NAPSI)—According to a poll conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health, 40 percent of Americans feel that they or their immediate family is at risk of getting Ebola. Yet with only a few confirmed cases of Ebola in the United States, the actual risk of contracting the disease is extremely…

NSCC’s Medical Assisting AND Phlebotomy Technician Students Recognized in Ceremony

Nine students completing Northwest State Community College’s medical assisting associate degree or phlebotomy technician certificate program were recently recognized in a special ceremony held for the graduates. Both options lead to entry-level positions in the health care field, and students earning the phlebotomy technician certificate may choose to continue their education for an associate degree…

Hydroponic unit at Antwerp Local School

The Antwerp Local School cafeteria now has a hydroponic unit used to grow leafy vegetables. Tom Blake, owner of EnTrust, the company who funded Antwerp Local’s new solar array, donated the hydroponic prototype to the school. The company is in the process of building a permanent metal structure that will replace the current prototype. In…

The State of Ohio vs Big Pharma:

The Ohio State General Assembly will have a difficult time dismissing their own state’s internal findings. Specifically, that opioids are unsafe for long- term use. Ohio has openly admitted this is a root cause issue to the increasing number of opioid addictions and deaths. Ohio has openly admitted the safety of its citizens are at…