Category: School

Wayne Trace Wins Over Lancers

Wayne Trace had a host of top scorers in the game against Lincolnview on Saturday night, December 20. The Lancers travelled to the Palace to compete in both the boys’ JV and varsity games. The first game was a close match and an all-out war by the fourth quarter. Lincolnview fought to keep the lead…

Paulding Boys Win Again

The game was on PJ day for the kids, the last day before school was out for the holidays. The school year is nearly half over.  The Bearcats travelled to the Panther court on Friday, December 19 for the game second to the last game before the new year. The first quarter was a tight…

Wonderful Concert by Antwerp Students

The band and choir concerts for the high school students took place at Antwerp on December 18. The evening began with the full band that sounded like an orchestra. The Jazz Band followed with Mrs. Nuell leading both groups. While the Jazz group was finishing up the choir began setting up for their risers for…

Antwerp Spelling Bee Winners Announced

Antwerp Local School held its spelling bee on Friday, December 12th for students in grades five through eight.  After over 30 rounds, sixth grader Grace Tuttle (middle) won the bee when she spelled the word “granulation” correctly. Eighth grader Iris Sorrell was the runner-up (left) and will be an alternate if needed at the county…

Wayne Trace Overpowers Paulding

The annual game between Paulding and Wayne Trace took place on Saturday, December 13 at the Palace. The Raiders won the JV game 42-37 and the varsity match was able to start early. The Raiders scored the first baskets and quickly the boys had an early lead with Corbin Linder’s points. Paulding was trounced in…

New Scoreboard at Antwerp

Thanks to generous donations from several area individuals and businesses, Antwerp High School was able to expand the scoreboard in the high school gym to include player numbers, fouls, and points. The following sponsors were presented plaques at the basketball game on Saturday night: (left to right) Dennis Recker and Pete Vail from Integrity Ford,…

Wayne Trace Girls Win First Big Game

This is the first game since the Van Wert Classic last week and hit happened to also be the first game at home. The Golden Bears travelled down from Bryan for the competition. Even though the girls basketball team lost the two games in Van Wert, this one appeared to come easy to them, from…

Oakwood Elementary WMEA Poster Winners Announced

The Paulding County WMEA sponsored a poster contest for the fourth graders in Paulding County. The students were asked to design posters about recycling. Becky Suvar, program manager of the Paulding County WMEA, is pictured with the winners from Oakwood Elementary School. Hayden Mullen’s poster was chosed to be displayed on a billboard. Only four…

Panthers Beat Antwerp in 2nd Quarter

The night before the Paulding team travelled to Antwerp to scout the competition for the next game they would be playing at the Archer court. Would it be close? The game began Saturday, December 6 and the Archers were giving the Panthers a run for their money, going into overdrive and scoring 22 points in…

St. Rose School of Lima Celebrates First Year In New Home

In November 2013, the St. Joseph of Lima School students, staff, parents, and community made a big move. They said goodbye to a 100-year-old school building and entered their new home, which was the former Monroeville School. In comparison, the new home represents a castle, filled with new opportunities, a media center, a gymnasium, more…

2014 NWC Fall Sports Scholar Athletes

These are the 2014 Northwest Conference Fall Sports Scholar Athletes. The criteria for gaining scholar athlete recognition by the conferenc is as follows: Gold Level – Varsity letter earned in the sport and a grading period GPA of 3.5 or above. Silver Level – Varsity letter earned in the sport and a grading period GPA…