Category: Sports

Wayne Trace Wrestling

Wayne Trace hosted their wrestling meet December 13. Coach George Clemens was proud of how his team performed, beating Ayersville by only one point 38-37. More pictures at  

Bulldogs teardown Lions

Before the varsity game New Haven honored it’s passed teachers and athletic alum. Senior VJ Beachem (shown above dunking the ball), senior, was also honored for his 1000 career total. Every year Leo and New Haven compete for the “Old Leather Ball” trophy. Leo has taken it 46 times and New Haven previously had won…

Wayne Trace Girls win against Panthers

WT girls took on Paulding at the Palace Tuesday, December 11. The Raiders were warmed up and ready to go that night. The Lady Raiders won the JV game 44-14. Wayne Trace outpaced the Panthers 10-1 in the first 8 minutes, but Paulding bounced back ending the quarter down 14-6. The final score ended up at 54-40 with the Lady Raiders finishing on top. More pictures at