Marketing program partnership helps business

The Village of Antwerp has seen an awesome transformation on South Main Street, where small businesses Antwerp Pharmacy and More than Boutique have found their new home for well over a year. If you’ve been by recently, you have also seen the eye-catching signage on the building that houses the Antwerp Pharmacy. This enhancement is…

Klopfenstein, Rogers Introduce Bill to Modify County Engineer Vacancies

State Representatives Roy Klopfenstein (R-Haviland) and Elgin Rogers (D-Toledo) introduced legislation to modify procedures for filling county engineer vacancies. The legislation seeks to aid counties in finding more qualified individuals to run for county engineer and establish new opportunities for counties that are unable to fill an engineer vacancy. The proposed legislation will: • Grant…

PJHS Paulding Pride Card Recipients

Each month students at Paulding Junior High School earn Paulding Pride cards for going above and beyond what is normally expected of Paulding Junior High students. Shown in the picture are the Paulding Pride card recipients for the month of January. 

Roanoke Elementary Donate 683 Pairs of Shoes To Changing Footprints

Roanoke Elementary School recently collected 683 pairs of new and gently used shoes for Changing Footprints. Led by 5th grade teacher Jamilyn PeGan the 441 students reacted enthusiastically at a presentation given in the gymnasium by Cheryl Brockmann of Changing Footprints. Over a two-week period, almost every student contributed to the ever-growing pile of shoes. It was…