Tag: 10/21/13


Meeting Minutes from October 21,2013. Meeting called to order with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:00 pm. Mayor Hoeppner, Councilman Abbott, Rice, Renner, Gerig, Voirol, Treasurer Sarrazine, Superintendent Walls, Chief Duhamell were present. Chief Duhamell: Woodburn Police Reserves have logged 60 hours so far in October. The Front Street Drags went well with over 100…

Village of Paulding Council Meeting Minutes 10/21/13

Paulding Village Council met in Regular Session on October 21, 2013, at 6:30 p.m. in Council Chambers at the Municipal Building. Mayor White called the meeting to order. Finance Director Tope called roll with the following members present: Roger Sierer, Jim Guelde, Tom Diaz, and Mike Trausch. Administrator Wiebe was present, as was Solicitor Jones…