Tag: acdc

Antwerp Announces New Book Vending Machine

Antwerp Elementary School is excited to announce that they now have a book vending machine located in the Think Tank of their Innovation Center. The machine was made possible thanks to many people, especially Title 1 Teacher Mrs. Pam Bailey. Organization and business sponsors included Antwerp VFW Post #5087, Antwerp PTO, Antwerp Community Development Committe (ACDC), PPE…

ACDC Brings Back Antwerp Days

Antwerp Community Development Committee decided in early 2023 that it was time to bring back a village tradition that has set by the wayside for many years — Antwerp Days. A weekend fair for the entire area complete with a breakfast sponsored by the EMS, a parade with over 30 entries, Gem of the Year…

AHS Class of 1962 Reunion

The Antwerp High School Class of 1962 recently gathered for their 60th reunion at the Day in the Park and Alumni Banquet. Those present for the picture were: Jerry Berryhill, Don Smith, Larry Smith, Ray Friend, Larry Ryan, Joe Barker, Beverly Foreman Tustison and Julene Seslar Ott. Dennis Lucas and Sue Zuber Derck joined the…

PPEC members donate $12,980 to 12 local organizations

Members of Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative recently donated $12,980 to 12 local charities and community projects through the cooperative’s Operation Round Up program. About 80% of PPEC members round up their electric bill and donate those pennies to this fund, making a huge impact in the co-op’s northwest Ohio and northeast Indiana communities. Participating members…


The ACDC gave its annual report of contributions for 2017 and gave an update on its latest goal to install a lighted digital sign downtown Antwerp to promote upcoming events. The Antwerp Chamber of Commerce and Antwerp Rotary are also supportive of the project. Pendergrast received an award for many years of service.


With the growth of a new sport in Antwerp, Pickle Ball, the Antwerp Community Development Committee is helping by donating $200 for equipment. Also discussed at the recent meeting was the development of a new electronic sign in downtown Antwerp to announce upcoming community events and local business advertising.  The ACDC, Antwerp Rotary and Antwerp…

ACDC To Hold Town Public Meeting

Tuesday, November 15, at 7:00 p.m., at the Antwerp VFW, the Antwerp Community Development (ACDC) will hold its annual meeting and has invited many local organizations to participate.  Attending to give brief reports of their activities will be the ACDC, Antwerp Village Council, Antwerp School, Fire Department, Police Department, EMS, Antwerp Chamber and Rotary. This…

The End of the Lobo Tank Busters – Stan Jordan

The End of the Lobo Tank Busters By: Stan Jordan The Lobo Tank Busters are no more. Col. Bainebridge came over last night and what he said changed our lives forever. We are going home! The war in Europe is about over and the col. said all four of us qualified to be discharged. We…

HOPE Forms in Antwerp

Helping Other People Everyday (HOPE) is a non-profit 501-(c)(3) team formed in January 2016. The organization consists of 3 women who were raised in Antwerp and work very hard to “pay it forward” to their community. Pam Slight, Kathy Getrost Whitney and Elaine Carr Phillips all graduated from Antwerp Local. They joined together in 2013…

Help was On the Way! – Stan Jordan

The Lobo Tank Busters, Horse-power Holiday; Tractor-Pull at Hicksville Fairgrounds, Hotels & Boarding Houses in Old AntwerpThe Lobo Tank Busters By: Stan Jordan We took off this morning on dawn patrol and we headed over towards Germany, Ruhr Valley. That is the Pittsburgh of Germany. Many factories, foundries, and defense plants. We were up about…

ACDC Safety Project

Antwerp Community Development Committee President, Jim Pendergrast and ACDC Board Member Tom Derck lead a project to clear brush and trees at an important corner in Antwerp. The site is at the corner of East River St. (CR 424) and Harrmann Road where the Napoleon, Defiance and Western Railway crosses Harrmann Road. Over the years,…

2015 Ribfest River Run 5K

Antwerp’s 2015 Ribfest River Run 5K was well attended with 114 participants (4 of which ended up not running). 22 of the 110 who ran were in the 14 and under category (this age group continues to grow each year!). Money raised from this event went to the Antwerp Community Development Committee and they have…

ACDC donates to Antwerp book scholarship fund

Pictured above is A.C.D.C. President Jim Pendergrast and Mrs. Lynnette Vail representing the Antwerp Academic Boosters receiving a check for $500.00 for book scholarships for graduating seniors of Antwerp High School. Students who have been pride card holders for their high school years are eligible. not shown is Mrs. Kayla Bagley.