Tag: Addison Hunt

Paulding FFA Ag Biotechnology Team Places 9th at State!

By: Addison Hunt, Paulding FFA Reporter On January 24th, four members from the Paulding FFA traveled to the Ohio Department of Agriculture in Reynoldsburg, Ohio to compete in the Agriculture Biotechnology Contest. The team was made up of Remington Boroff, Grace Goyings, Luke Beckman, and Jacob Harris. This team had to first take an online…

Paulding FFA gets a Triple Crown on Officer Books

By: Addison Hunt, Paulding FFA Reporter At the end of January, the Paulding FFA secretary, treasurer, and reporter’s books were evaluated and graded.  The chapter received  a GOLD rating on all three record books. The chapter is so proud of Brooke Kilgore, Addison Hunt, and Brooklyn Schlatter for all of their hard work in earning…

Paulding FFA Parent/Member Meeting is a Success!

By: Paulding FFA Reporter, Addison Hunt  This past Tuesday, August 27th, the Paulding FFA Chapter held its first meeting of the 2024-2025 school year. The kickoff meeting included both FFA members and their parents, so they could learn a little more about FFA from the advisors and the officer team. At this meeting, there were…

Paulding FFA Chapter Annual Plant FUNDRAISER

By: Addison Hunt, Paulding FFA Reporter The Paulding FFA Chapter will kick off its annual plant event on April 26th at the FFA greenhouse located on Caroline Street. The greenhouse is filled with a wide variety of plants consisting of flowers, vegetables, herbs, hanging baskets, decorative plants, and more. The students in the Greenhouse class…

Paulding FFA Chapter Year in Review

By: Grace Goyings, Paulding FFA Reporter  The Paulding FFA Chapter is proud to have over 120 members with an additional 18- 8th grade students taking the 8th grade Vo-ag class. The chapter has 9 FFA officers and 2 advisors who help to lead the chapter. The Paulding FFA Chapter has had an enjoyable and eventful…