Tag: Bonnie Pier

Museum plans quilt show, Spring Tea

A special community quilt show is planned for this spring at Paulding County History Museum. The quilt show will be open to the public on Tuesdays, April 8 and 15, and Saturday, April 12. Admission is free. An estimated 60 quilts, old and new, will be displayed throughout the museum. Several are part of the…

Oakwood Gleaner Arbor Reports Recent Activities

From Oakwood Gleaner Arbor This is a summary of the activities of the Oakwood Arbor.  For the months of Aug. – Oct. Gleaners put money back into the community from the home office in Adrian, MI. They gave to the following: Oakwood Homecoming Committee, Lifewise Academy, Grover Hill Lion’s Club, John Paulding Historical (in memory…