Tag: Carol Razo

Crane Township Spotlights Nationally Ranked Bur Oak Tree

As part of the preparations for the township’s highly anticipated bicentennial celebration in August 2025, officials have been diligently uncovering and documenting historical landmarks and events unique to the township. One recent discovery is a towering Bur Oak tree located on Road 180, a living testament to the region’s abundant natural history.  This extraordinary Bur…

Township Commissions Flag Ahead of Bicentennial

Crane Township will celebrate its bicentennial next year in August 2025. As part of the bicentennial celebration, the Trustees commissioned a flag to honor the township’s rich history. Designed by Anna Wells, niece of Trustee Kevin Stuart, and officially approved by the Trustees in August 2024, the flag’s elements are filled with symbolism that reflects…

Guest Speaker at Antwerp Rotary Meeting: Carol Razo

Carol Razo was the guest of Rotary Member Kristine Stuart at our meeting on 10-31-2024 Her program discussed the upcoming Crane Township Bicentennial, coming up in August of 2025. Many activities such as Hog Roast, Homemade Ice Cream, and guided Nature Tours as Crane Twp. Turns 200 years old.  This was a very great presentation…

Crane Bicentennial Group Honors Early Pioneer

Crane Township, like many Ohio townships, was established in a place where there was no existing government and there were very few people. As a result, early Ohio townships assumed the responsibility of maintaining order. Horatio Nelson Curtis was elected Crane Township’s first Justice of the Peace in 1825. Justices were responsible for keeping the…

Razo speaks at Kiwanis

The Kiwanis Club of Paulding County was privileged to have Carol Razo (Fiscal Officer of Crane Township) as the guest speaker at the October 26, 2023, club meeting. Carol came at the invitation of Joe Burkard (Paulding County Prosecutor). Carol spoke to the Kiwanians about the upcoming Bicentennial Celebration for Crane Township which is being…

Caring & Sharing Volunteers Speak to Kiwanis

The Kiwanis Club of Paulding County was privileged to have Carol Razo and Laurie Barnes (Caring & Sharing Food Pantry) as the guest speakers at the December 1, 2022 club meeting. Carol and Laurie came at the invitation of Erin Webb (Hands of Hope Pregnancy Services). Carol and Laurie told the Kiwanians about the Caring…