Paulding High School FCCLA members recently attended the FCCLA Regional Meeting at Vantage Career Center and the FCCLA Regional Rally at Van Wert High School. February 10th Paulding FCCLA members attended the FCCLA Regional Meeting at Vantage Career Center. Five members earned their Power of One degrees. These five members are pictured with FCCLA State…
Tag: Center
13th Annual Health, Business & Industry Fair at PC Senior Center
•The Paulding County Senior Center is hosting their 13th annual Health, Business and Industry Fair on Wednesday, March 18th from 11 am – 2 pm. The event is held at the Paulding County Extension Building on Fairground Dr. The Fair will feature approximately 50 vendor booths, food, door prizes and lots of helpful information. This…
Paulding Pulls in Win Over Liberty Center
•Liberty Center travelled to Paulding for the boys basketball game on Saturday, January 3rd. The new year match for the JV team fell in the Panther’s favor with a 45-26 win. The varsity score wasn’t quite the margin when it was completed. The game against the Tigers began with a tight defense as soon as…
Lifeway Wesleyan Church of New Haven is Growing!
•This is an announcement to inform the local community about the positive things that are happening at Lifeway Wesleyan Church. We here at Lifeway Wesleyan Church, are Lighting the Way, by building a Family Life Center. This center will provide needed space for present and future ministries, as well as an outreach into the community.…
Picnic in the Park in Antwerp to benefit Youth Center
•On Sunday, September 14 at 12:00 Noon, the Antwerp Ministerial Association will be sponsoring a Picnic In The Park to benefit the Antwerp Community Youth Center. After church gets out, everyone in the community is welcome to gather together in the Riverside Park for a good chicken dinner made by The Country Chef. If you…
Group to meet concerning expansion of animal mega farming
A Paulding County group opposed to the expansion of animal mega farms in the county as well as the continued construction of manure pits to hold animal waste produced by out-of-county mega farms will hold a work meeting Tuesday evening, August 5 starting at 7:00 p.m. at the Black Swamp Nature Center, 753 Fairgrounds Dr.,…
Antwerp Community Youth Center hosts Family Movie Night, July 27th
•Family Movie Night will be at The Arch on Sunday July 27th with the movie beginning about 9:15 p.m. outside. Come early, bring your lawn chair or blanket… and bug spray! The Arch is located across the street from Riverside Memorial Park on CR 424 (old 24).
Fit For Faith Begins in Antwerp
•A Fit For Faith class is set to begin on Wednesday, June 4th. The group will meet every Wednesday at 7:00 p.m., and either Friday night or Saturday morning (that will be determined at our first class.). The Fit For Faith class consists of a ½ hour Bible study on Wednesday nights with a ½…