By: Dr. James Bachman Dear Parson, Can America be saved from destruction? Yes, especially if we do what…
Tag: church
Riverside Christian Church Is Honored To Have A Guest Speaker On September 9: Larry Carter!
Larry Carter received a B.S. in Biblical Studies from Cincinnati Bible College. While a student, he served as Youth Minister of the New Burlington Church of Christ and the Felicity Church of Christ, as well as Youth Coordinator of an inner city Salvation Army. He then received a Masters of Christian Ministries degree from Huntington…
McVicker Coming To Riverside Christian Church
Mitch McVicker returns to Riverside Christian Church on September 21 at 7:15 p.m. Check out Mitch and his music at His new album is “the acceptance of and.” Mitch McVicker’s career began in 1995 and has since spanned 10 albums and a DVD, a single on a compilation, appearance as himself and music in…
Antwerp School Supply Project Ready to Register Students
The Antwerp School Supply Project is now actively gearing up to supply Antwerp school children with their necessary supplies. This means it is time to think about signing your child up for the Antwerp School Supply Project! The giveaway is set to take place on Sunday, August 12th from 12:00–3:00 p.m. at the Riverside Family…
Come Be Rescued With Us
•1st Annual Dueling Desserts @ Riverside Church
A little competition never hurt anyone, and what a combo when you make the contest involve sugar! Riverside Christian Church hosted their first ever Dueling Desserts on Sunday, July 1, 2018. This was just a friendly competition among friends to pass the heat of the summer away. There were 15 desserts entered into the competition…
Fort Wayne Area Home School Drama Camp To Perform In Woodburn
•The Fort Wayne Area Home School Drama Camp has partnered with The Academy of Arts for the past 12 years and have put together fantastic performances in about one week’s time. This year is no exception! Go to the website for more information: Friday, April 13, 2018 – 7:00 p.m.; Woodburn Missionary Church 5108…
Little Lights Preschool at WMC
Woodburn Missionary Church is proud to announce that an new community preschool will launch this fall. Woodburn Missionary Church is located at 5108 Bull Rapids Road in Woodburn, Indiana. Alison Moore will be the Director of the new Preschool. As a Christian Preschool, Little Lights Preschool at WMC will offer half day preschool classes for…
Church News for the Week
•NEW YEAR’S EVE SERVICE AT FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, ANTWERP Come and celebrate the new year with us at First Baptist Church, Antwerp, Ohio on December 31st, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. There will be two singing groups coming: Napoleon First Baptist church and Holgate First Baptist church. After the service there will be snacks and sandwiches…
Mount Calvary Lutheran Church Celebrates 50/500
•Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church, located at 3497 County Rd. 424 in Antwerp, Ohio, is celebrating what they have termed the “50/500.” The present church building was erected and completed in September 1967, making 2017 a marker of 50 years of ministry at the present location in the Antwerp community. Further, the 500th anniversary of…
The Call
•By: Rev. Gerry Weesner, Maples United Methodist Church How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As…
Parson to Person
•By: Dr. James Bachman Dear Parson, I really get discouraged. My life seems useless. What is the sense of living if I’m not accomplishing anything? If you have not received Christ as your Savior, God is still giving you a chance to do so. It is too late after you die and find yourself in…
The Value of God’s Kingdom
•By: Rev. Gerry Weesner, Maples United Methodist Church “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.” Matthew 13:45-46 (NIV). The parable of Jesus known as “The Pearl of Great Price” is one…