During the last few days of school before winter break, Antwerp Local School students of all ages participated in Hour of Code activities. Hour of Code is a worldwide movement intended to introduce students to computer science and computer programming. Both educators and business leaders are increasingly recognizing that computer science is a basic skill…
Tag: computers
Becker Receives Award at Antwerp Board Meeting
•Thursday, October 16 the Antwerp Local School Board met for the monthly meeting. Rachel Becker was presented an award – A Commended Student for the National Merit Scholar Program. This is due to her high PSAT scores. Dennis Recker gave the Vantage Report. New signage will be put up for the new construction going on.…
Latta to Host Cybersecurity Event with FBI and CentraComm at Defiance College
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Bob Latta (R-OH) will host a cybersecurity seminar at Defiance College tomorrow. The event, which is held in coordination with the FBI and Findlay’s CentraComm, focuses on protecting one’s personal identity and business online. It also includes presentations that provide measures to prevent theft of intellectual property, phishing and spear phishing,…