Tag: Doug Billman

Antwerp Announces New Book Vending Machine

Antwerp Elementary School is excited to announce that they now have a book vending machine located in the Think Tank of their Innovation Center. The machine was made possible thanks to many people, especially Title 1 Teacher Mrs. Pam Bailey. Organization and business sponsors included Antwerp VFW Post #5087, Antwerp PTO, Antwerp Community Development Committe (ACDC), PPE…

Brewer Commits to Ohio Christian University 

Landon Brewer has committed to Ohio Christian University to play basketball and pursue a degree in accounting.  He is pictured with his coaches, teammates, parents, and sister. Shown above are (back row): Jason Hormann, Doug Billman, Camden Fuller, Syris Gale, Carson Altimus, Reid Lichty, Cohen Hitzeman, Gaige McMichael, and Sam Williamson; (front row): Shawn, Landon, Cindy,…