Tag: Emma White

Paulding Knights of Columbus Free Throw

Paulding Knights of Columbus Free Throw competition was held at Paulding on January 26th. Pictured above are the winners: Maleek Barnes, Quynn Arend, Merrick Wolfle, Maxwell West, Adalyn Miller, Noah Martinez, Kinsley Pease, Remington Zeedyk, Emma White and James Gonzales. Winners advance to the district competition at Delphos St John’s on February 2nd at 1:00…

Character Trait of the Month: Gratitude

Antwerp Elementary’s Character Trait of the Month for November was gratitude. These students were “caught” exhibiting this trait: Back Row: Matty Zielke, AJ Honigford, and Emma White. Middle Row: Keegan Moreno, Roberta Poppe, Jocelyn Laker, Adelynne Slattman, Lily Mowery, Jayden Fish, and Brock Barker. Front Row: Riley Budd, Elise Graham, Riley Henschen, Lyric Smith, Cole…

Positive – Pride – Kindness: Paulding & Antwerp Students Recognized

Antwerp students Recognized for Traits of Kindness At Antwerp Elementary School, Guidance Counselor Erin Lichty is teaching students about positive character traits each month this school year. September’s trait was kindness. Congratulations to these students, whose teachers chose them for demonstrating the trait of kindness during the month of September. PJHS students receive Paulding Pride…