The Antwerp Chamber of Commerce would like to formally welcome the new owner of Antwerp Pharmacy and Hardware, Mandy Miller and her crew. Mandy took over the business from Mike and Belinda Reno earlier this year.
Seven years ago the owners of Grabill Hardware realized there was a need for a community hardware store in Woodburn. The previous hardware store, also known as Norm’s, had went out of business and the building was sitting empty. Norm’s had been there approximately 30 years. The owners of Grabill Hardware came in and gave…
On Tuesday, January 16th, Grabill & Woodburn Hardware made a $500 donation to the Harlan Christian Youth Center. “We appreciate and believe in the ministry work that the Youth Center does for this community. Strong kids and young adults will help build and make great communities” said Claude Schrock.
This past December, the team at Grabill & Woodburn Hardware made a charitable donation to the Youth for Christ for $1000.00. “We believe in and appreciate the ministry of this fine local organization” said Claude Schrock. “Supporting youth ministry in our community is so very important to helping our area grow in the future.” In…
Santa Claus rode into Grabill on Saturday, December 17 on the back of the old Fire Department Truck. This year Santa and his helpers gave away Snickers and oranges from the Grabill Chamber of Commerce and books from the Allen County Public Library. All of this took place in front of the Grabill Hardware.
REMINDER—It’s not too late to enter the Woodburn Dirt Digger’s Coloring Contest. Coloring pages are available at the Woodburn Hardware. Every page turned back in colored will get a packet of cosmos flower seeds to plant and the winner of the coloring contest will get an additional prize. If we get enough entries multiple prizes…
HWJan2015 Stop in and get great deals a great business!