The Antwerp Marching Band presents their Michael Jackson music and formations during halftime of the Fairview football game on Friday Sept. 14th. More pictures at westbendnews.net
Robert and Susan Jackson of Mark Center, OH would like to announce the engagement and upcoming marriage of their daughter, Katelyn Louise Jackson to Tyler Paul Gaisford, son of Kirk and Carla Gaisford of Antwerp, OH. The bride-elect is a 2010 graduate of Fairview High School and a 2015 graduate of St. Francis in Social…
Jackson Township – The Ohio State Highway Patrol’s Van Wert Post is investigating a serious injury crash that occurred at 3:50 P.M. Thursday afternoon on County Road 111 East of the Village of Paulding, in Paulding County. A 1999 Pontiac Grand Prix, driven by Thomas A. Lantow, 17, of Latty, Ohio was traveling eastbound County…