Tag: Jim Neuhouser

Ah Spring!

I hate winter. The reason is because a big part of my life I worked outdoors year-round. To this day I feel sorry when I see someone working outdoors in winter time. If you’re dressed well it seems no big deal, but it does take a toll on your body. In winter, time seems to…

Brahm’s Lullaby

This has got to be one of the saddest love stories of all time. John was in love with Verda. Actually he had not even met  her, he had seen her from across the room, but she mesmerized him. He had not even talked to her, but she was so beautiful, and vibrant, she just…

I Am Going To That City …

Where the roses never fade. Listen… I hear Jimmy singing: “I am going to that City.       Where the streets with gold are laid And the Tree of Life is blooming Where the roses never fade” My mind can’t conceive what heaven will be like but I like to think what our life might be like.…

The Roaring 20’s

The only decade that has been named, and yes, they were roaring. A time of prosperity for America. A time of jubilation. The war to end all wars was over, and now we were looking forward to a time of peace. A time when cars were just coming into vogue, and we could go places…

13 Tears

Columbine revisited: 24 short years ago. Somehow I feel I know the characters personally. The pretty sophomore girl that was determined to follow her Jesus. She would have been 40 years old now. The senior mastermind that made the plans, the junior boy that, “Went along for the ride.” One of the contributing factors was…

Dr. Morell & Adolf Hitler

Dr. Morell was a prominent doctor in Germany, in the 1930s and 40s. He was a doctor to Berlin’s elite. I would like to explain his modis apperandi. Remember in those days doctors made house calls on occasion, as did my doctor, when I was a lad. Dr. Morell is invited to the residence of…

They Loved Lucy

Lucy was a beauty. One of the most beautiful girls in Washington DC. She had many suitors. She had dated the president’s son, the sons of many senators and a lineup of important people. She was somewhat of a heartbreaker, and difficult to please. When Lucy was 12 she was getting letters from a Harvard…