Paulding High School October Students of the Month are pictured above (l-r) Freshman: Kyler Foor, Sophomore: Vivienne Myers, Junior: Addison Pease, and Senior: Johnny Lipps.
By: Addy Hunt, Paulding FFA Reporter On Tuesday, September 24th, four Paulding FFA officers traveled down to Columbus for the Ohio Legislative Leadership Conference. The officers included Secretary Brooklyn Schlatter, Reporter Addy Hunt, Student Advisor Blake Rhonehouse, Parliamentarian Johnny Lipps and their FFA advisor, Mrs. Staci Miller. In the morning, these students mingled with other…
By: Paulding FFA Reporter, Addison Hunt Friday, September 6th, the Paulding FFA officers attended Mercer Landmark’s AGrow Expo. The officers attended sessions that were great learning opportunities. The officers had the chance to learn about corn and soybean diseases, as well as different farming practices and techniques, such as carbon farming, that Mercer Landmark and…
By: Paulding FFA Reporter, Addison Hunt This past Tuesday, August 27th, the Paulding FFA Chapter held its first meeting of the 2024-2025 school year. The kickoff meeting included both FFA members and their parents, so they could learn a little more about FFA from the advisors and the officer team. At this meeting, there were…
By: Addy Hunt Paulding FFA Reporter The Paulding FFA officer team this year consists of President Grace Goyings, Vice President Jalyn Klopfenstein, Secretary Brooklyn Schlatter, Treasurer Brooke Kilgore, Reporter Addy Hunt, Sentinel Tori Schlatter, Student Advisor Blake Rhonehouse, Parliamentarian Johnny Lipps, and Chaplain Myrriah Manz, along with Ag Education Teacher and FFA advisor Mrs.…
By: Grace Goyings, Paulding FFA Reporter On Wednesday, October 25th, the Paulding FFA Chapter had 25 members travel around Paulding County to feed the farmers in the fields. The chapter first started doing this service project four years ago and it’s one of their favorite projects to do each year. The chapter found that…
By: Paulding FFA Reporter, Grace Goyings On September 21st, the Paulding FFA had 11 members compete at the Upper Sandusky soils invitational. The members who competed were Anna Clemens, Kobe Foor, Addy Hunt, Jamy Hunt, Brooke Kilgore, Johnny Lipps, Tytus Manz, Sam Reinhard, Brooklyn Schlatter, Tori Schlatter, and Tyler Schlatter. In the soil’s competition, students…
By: Staci Miller, Paulding FFA Advisor On Tuesday, March 21st the Paulding FFA had eight members volunteer their time after school to help a local resident take down his shed and remove the metal after it was damaged in a windstorm. The members spent around 2 hours helping to remove the siding and metal and…