Tag: Kevin Stahl

Paulding HS seniors Sign Letters of Intent

Congratulations to Nico Stahl who signed his letter intent to continue his Golf career at Lourdes University! First Row: Kevin Stahl, Nico Stahl, Michelle Stahl ; Back Row: Coach Gil Guerrero Jack Woods has signed a letter of intent to continue his track career at the University of Akron. Pictured is (top row, l-r): Coach Jim Menzie, Coach…

Youth For Christ Speaks at Kiwanis Club meeting

The Kiwanis Club of Paulding County was privileged to have Mike Zeedyk (Youth for Christ Clubs), as the guest speaker at the September 5, 2024, club meeting. Mike came at the invitation of Kevin Stahl (Stahl Stoller Meyer Insurance, Paulding, Ohio). Mike spoke to the Kiwanians about the many services provided throughout the Youth for Christ Clubs and the benefits…

PECA Paulding Groundbreaking Ceremony

With the excitement of the Paulding Exempted Character Academy (PECA) Oakwood building nearing completion in the air, PECA held the groundbreaking ceremony for the PECA Paulding Building. Monday morning June 11th, PECA held a Groundbreaking Ceremony at the Paulding site (327 East Caroline Street Paulding, Ohio) which was attended by the PECA Board, LifeWise Paulding…

PECA Oakwood Groundbreaking Ceremony

After years of praying, months of fundraising, weeks of waiting, it all came together on Tuesday, and The Paulding Exempted Character Academy (PECA) received permission to start on the PECA Oakwood Building!! Thursday morning December 14th, PECA held a Groundbreaking Ceremony at the Oakwood site (317 First Street Oakwood, Ohio) which was very well attended…

Stahl speaks to Kiwanis

The Kiwanis Club of Paulding County was privileged to have Nico Stahl (Junior, Paulding Exempted Village Schools) as the guest speaker at the July 13, 2023, club meeting. Nico came at the invitation of Kevin Stahl (Owner, Stahl Stoller Meyer Ins.). Nico spoke to the Kiwanians about a mission trip he took with the Paulding…

Future Home Of Paulding Exempted Character Academy

“The Paulding Exempted Character Academy is committed to building two buildings, one in Paulding and one in Oakwood to support Bible-based education which will be carried out by LifeWise Academy Paulding Exempted,” said Kevin Stahl, PECA President. “PECA would like to recognize Robert and Gretchen Noneman for donating the property in Paulding and Rhonda Bakle…

Kiwanis Club of Paulding Guest Speaker Rhonda Bakle

The Kiwanis Club of Paulding County was privileged to have Rhonda Bakle (Paulding Exempted Character Academy Board Member) as guest speaker at the September 1, 2022 club meeting. Rhonda came at the invitation of Kevin Stahl (Stahl Stoller Meyer Insurance Center). Rhonda spoke about the Paulding Exempted Character Academy and their plans to build in…

Kiwanis shows Paulding pride

Paulding, OH: Kiwanis member Kevin Stahl introduced Tera and Jeremy Thompson who spoke about Special Olympics Paulding. Tera, an employee of PC Workshop coordinates Special Olympics for children and adults with special needs. Really trying to rebrand themselves Special Olympics Paulding has tried to make their Paulding Pride well known featuring their lion mascot. There…