Tag: Kiwanis Club of Paulding County

Gurney speaks to Kiwanis

The Kiwanis Club of Paulding County was privileged to have Anna Gurney (Educator, Paulding County Soil & Water) as the guest speaker at the September 28, 2023, club meeting. Anna came at the invitation of Erica Noggle (Executive Director, Paulding Chamber of Commerce). Anna spoke to the Kiwanians about the Nature Center improvements that have…

Wayne Trace Art Department Speaks at Kiwanis

The Kiwanis Club of Paulding County was privileged to have Angie Stokes (Studio Art, Art History & Art Technology Teacher, Wayne Trace Local Schools) as the guest speaker at the September 7, 2023, club meeting. Angie came at the invitation of Elecia Wobler (Owner, Keepsake Beads by EAW). Angie spoke to the Kiwanians about the…


The Kiwanis Club of Paulding County was privileged to have Susan Paulus (Caregiver Support Group Leader, Paulding County Senior Center) and Kari Morhart (Director, Paulding County Senior Center) as the guest speakers at the August 31, 2023, club meeting. Susan and Kari came at the invitation of Harry Weibe (Kiwanis Member). Susan spoke to the…

Priestap speaks to Kiwanis

The Kiwanis Club of Paulding County was privileged to have Kim Priestap (Regional Director, Ohio Attorney General) as the guest speaker at the August 10, 2023, club meeting. Kim came at the invitation of Corey Walker (Director, Paulding County Carnegie Library). Kim spoke to the Kiwanians about the initiative of Dave Yost, Ohio Attorney General.

NW Ohio CASA & Deputy Phelan Speak at Kiwanis

The Kiwanis Club of Paulding County was privileged to have Jessica Robbins (Executive Director, Northwest Ohio CASA) and Jessica Porter-Pennington (Defiance/Paulding County Advocate Coordinator, Northwest Ohio CASA) as the guest speakers at the July 20, 2023, club meeting. Jessica and Jessica came at the invitation of Michelle Stahl (Deputy Director of Operations, Defiance/Paulding Consolidated Job…

Estee Miller Speaks to Kiwanis Club of Paulding County

The Kiwanis Club of Paulding County was privileged to have Estee Miller (Executive Director, Paulding County Hospital Foundation) as the guest speaker at the June 1, 2023, club meeting. Estee came at the invitation of Naomi Nicely (Community Relations Coordinator and Marketing, Paulding County Hospital). Estee spoke to the Kiwanians about what her roles are…

Stahl speaks to Kiwanis

The Kiwanis Club of Paulding County was privileged to have Nico Stahl (Junior, Paulding Exempted Village Schools) as the guest speaker at the July 13, 2023, club meeting. Nico came at the invitation of Kevin Stahl (Owner, Stahl Stoller Meyer Ins.). Nico spoke to the Kiwanians about a mission trip he took with the Paulding…

Little Sprouts Early Learning Center Speak at Kiwanis

The Kiwanis Club of Paulding County was privileged to have Amber Gochenour (Director, Little Sprouts Early Learning Center) and Tammy Steingass (Curriculum Coordinator, Little Sprouts Early Learning Center) as the guest speakers at the July 6, 2023, club meeting. Amber and Tammy came at the invitation of Traci Koenig (Program Director, LifeWise Academy Paulding County).…

Miller speaks to Kiwanis

The Kiwanis Club of Paulding County was privileged to have Dr. Martin Miller (Superintendent, Antwerp Local Schools) as the guest speaker at the June 22, 2023, club meeting. Dr. Miller came at the invitation of Shannon Ruschel (Director, Paulding County Waste Management Education & Awareness). Dr. Miller spoke to the Kiwanians about his family ties…

Deatrick Guest Speaker at Kiwanis Meeting

The Kiwanis Club of Paulding County was privileged to have Susan Deatrick (Red Coat, Allen County War Memorial Coliseum) as the guest speaker at the May 4, 2023, club meeting. Susan came at the invitation of Bret Mack (Fiscal Officer, Paulding County Carnegie Library). Susan spoke to the Kiwanians about the Coliseum and her experiences…

Playground Expected To Be Complete in May 2023!

The new Kiwanis Playground is located at the Lela McGuire Jeffery Park in Paulding  It is designed for all ages and abilities. It is currently under construction, but is scheduled to be completed in May 2023, if the weather cooperates. The Kiwanis Club of Paulding County is the main sponsor of the playground. The supporting…

Kirk Jones speaks to the Kiwanis Club of Paulding

The Kiwanis Club of Paulding County was privileged to have Kirk Jones (Vice President, Wildfire Leadership) as the guest speaker at the April 27, 2023, club meeting. Kirk came at the invitation of Lora Lyons (Executive Director, United Way of Paulding County). Kirk spoke to the Kiwanians about the Wildfire Leadership Program.