Oakwood Arbor #759 is an extension of the Gleaner Insurance Company. Each arbor is encouraged to be community minded and give back to the community. The guest speaker for the July 26th meeting was Paulding County Commissioner Roy Klopfenstein. Commissioner Klopfenstein was asked to share information on the Covid money that has come into our…
Tag: meeting
Paulding County Business Advisory Council Meets
PAULDING, OH – The Paulding County Business Advisory Council meeting was held at the OSU Extension Building in Paulding this week. Over 30 business owners and administrative leaders from around the county joined with administrators from all three county school systems. The main topic of discussion was workforce development. Attendees heard presentations about the tools…
Wayne Trace Local School Board Meeting Minutes 10/8/18
•The Wayne Trace Local School District Board of Education met in regular session on October 8, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. in the Wayne Trace High School Lecture Room The following members were present: Mr. Pat Baumle, Mrs. Lisa McClure, Mr. Duane Sinn, Mrs. Kori Stoller, Mr. Dick Swary The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag…
NSCC Foundation Presents Record-Setting Check At Board Of Trustees Meeting
The Northwest State Community College Board of Trustees met in regular session on Friday, August 24 on the Archbold campus. As part of the meeting, Robbin Wilcox (Executive Director, Development & NSCC Foundation) and Peter Beck (NSCC Foundation Board chairperson) presented a record-setting check for $808,682 to the College from the Northwest State Community College…
•The Wayne Trace Local School District Board of Education met in regular session on May 14, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. in the Wayne Trace High School Lecture Room The following members were present: Mr. Pat Baumle, Mrs. Lisa McClure, Mr. Duane Sinn, Mrs. Kori Stoller, Mr. Dick Swary The Pledge of Allegiance was led by…
District Governor Visits Rotary
•The Antwerp Rotary Club was visited by The District Governor Deb Cheney and Assistant Governor Dwight Bowers at the regular meeting on August 10, 2017. District Governor Cheney is a dedicated to her goals of Rotary: Making a Difference as a Team.
The Western Buckeye ESC Welcomes New Director, Accepts Member’s Resignation
•The Western Buckeye ESC Governing Board held a brief meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 6, 2017, in the Van Wert office. Board members welcomed new Synergy Learning Center director Tony Langhals, who provided the group with an update on the progress of the new alternative school, which opens its doors to students this…
Leaders Of Tomorrow 4-H Club Meeting
•The Leaders of Tomorrow 4-H club gathered at the Youth Leadership Building on March 30 to have their monthly meeting along with the required demonstrations given by each member. They started off with pizza for supper. A short meeting followed where they voted to have gray club t-shirts this year. You can watch for them…
Minutes for Woodburn City Council Meetings
•City of Woodburn Council Meeting Minutes 2/19/18 The meeting began at 7:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Kelsey, Clerk-Treasurer Cummins, Superintendent Walls, Chief Duhamell as well as Councilmen Watts, Voirol, Gerig, Renner, and Martin were in attendance. To start off the meeting, the mayor gave the annual State of the City Address. POLICE…
4–H Leaders of Tomorrow
•By: Bethany Klopfenstein, communications officer The Leaders of Tomorrow 4-H club got together on February 16 at the Youth Leadership Building for their regular monthly meeting. They started the evening out with a game of upset the fruit basket provided by recreation Officer Riley Stoller. As the meeting started, role call was answered by 30…
Woodburn Community Historical Society Meeting
•The legend of the brass cannon found in the Maumee River will be the March program for the Woodburn Community Historical Society. The meeting will be held at the Woodburn Public Library, 101 east side of Woodburn on Thursday, March 23, at 7:00. The speaker will be guest, DICK LONEY, from Ft. Wayne telling us…
Official Notice of Paulding Putnam Electric Annual Meeting
•Paulding Putnam Electric’s Annual Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, March 18th at Paulding Putnam Electric’s Headquarters in Paulding, Ohio located at 401 McDonald Pike. The Annual Meeting is a day of member appreciation and an opportunity to update cooperative members on important cooperative business. Members attending will receive a $10 bill credit, along with a…
ACDC To Hold Town Public Meeting
•Tuesday, November 15, at 7:00 p.m., at the Antwerp VFW, the Antwerp Community Development (ACDC) will hold its annual meeting and has invited many local organizations to participate. Attending to give brief reports of their activities will be the ACDC, Antwerp Village Council, Antwerp School, Fire Department, Police Department, EMS, Antwerp Chamber and Rotary. This…