Tag: Michael Schweinsberg

The CountrySide Kids Code with Spheros

By: Krandon Crites, DHI Media 4-H Writer On January 20, 2024, the Countryside Kids had their first meeting of the year. With only about 25 kids in attendance, the Secretary, Kailyn Karhoff, called the meeting to order, as the president nor the vice president was at the meeting. Then after that the reading of the…

Mental health training offered to PHS students

By: Emily Remaklus Paulding High School’s Personal Growth and Positive Mindset class is off to a great start this year. The class, which was first offered last year, has almost doubled in size this year. Students enrolled this year will be working on a variety of leadership opportunities such as teaching mindset lessons each month…

Bowling With The Countryside Kids

By: Krandon Crites Dhi Media 4-H Writer ANTWERP – The Countryside Kids decided to go bowling at Pin-A-Rama on December 3, 2022 for a Christmas party. This place was also known as the Antwerp Bowling Alley a couple months ago until they renovated it to Pin-A-Rama. If you would like to check it out, it…

Schweinsberg Speaks at Kiwanis

The Kiwanis Club of Paulding County was privileged to have Michael Schweinsberg (4-H Educator at OSU Extension Paulding County) as guest speaker at the June 23, 2022 club meeting. Michael came at the invitation of Chris Johnson (Investment Advisor Representative at FSC Securities Corporation).

This week at Kiwanis

PAULDING, OH: Kiwanis member Stan Searing introduced Michael Schweinsberg with the OSU Extension Office. Schweinsberg talked about a few programs the OSU Extension office have regarding substance abuse and topics that stem from that. He focused on the PROSPER program that will roll out in the Spring that is all about strengthening families. Trained volunteers…

This week at Kiwanis

This week Kiwanis member Matt Miller introduced Michael Schweinsberg with the OSU Extension office. Michael talked about the new program he has initiated called Generation Rx. He goes into the schools and talks with middle schoolers about prescription drug abuse and the awful effects. Many times, prescription pain meds are abused which can often lead…