Bids Begin For Use of Allocated Paulding County Brownfield and Residential Blight Funds

The Paulding County Land Reutilization (Land Bank) committee met for the first time in the new year at the county commissioner’s office.     The meeting opened with Estee Blair, representing Maumee Valley Planning Organization (MVPO), sharing that all projects that were allocated funds from the Ohio Department of Development (ODOD) 2023-24 round of residential…

Antwerp Holds MVPO Community Summit

On February 23 the Village of Antwerp with the Paulding County Economic Development hosted a Community Summit at the Antwerp VFW with the Maumee Valley Planning Organization’s, Estee Miller. The event brought in 33 people from the community who voiced their opinions on the Strengths Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) of the Antwerp Village and…

Miller & Wannemacher Speaks to Kiwanis

The Kiwanis Club of Paulding County was privileged to have Estee Miller (Community Development Planner, MVPO) and Lou Ann Wannemacher (Paulding County Treasurer & Lank Bank Chair) as the guest speakers at the January 26, 2023, club meeting. Estee and Lou Ann came at the invitation of Joe Burkard (Prosecutor, Paulding County). Estee and Lou…

PC Coordinated Transportation Plan Open Comment period set to End July 31st

By: Angel Steiner Maumee Valley Planning Organization has been working since 2021 on a Transportation Coordinated Plan for Paulding County Ohio. In 2021 surveys were created for which Paulding County residents and stakeholders were asked to participate to generate data about the need for public transportation in the county. With these survey results, ODOT and…